Las prácticas de literacidad familiar en hogares de escolares que reciben atención ambulatoria
Pérez Chávez, Diana Estela
Llopiz Guerra, Karel
Cerdeira Martin, María Dolores
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Las prácticas de literacidad familiar contribuyen a la inclusión educativa.En Cuba se ha avanzado en las políticas inclusivas pero se carece aún de la implementación de estas prácticas en las familias. En la provincia de Villa Clara se identifican necesidades en un contexto particular, los hogares de escolares que reciben atención ambulatoria. En encuestas y entrevistas realizadas a maestros que atienden esta modalidad y a los miembros de la familia se pudo constatar que carecen de vías, procedimientos e información de cómo realizar prácticas educativas inclusivas. Para satisfacer estas necesidades seofrece un folleto con el objetivo de implementar prácticas de literacidad familiara través de sencillos textos, de fácil comprensión, adaptados a un contexto particular que permitan el desarrollo de las habilidades idiomáticas escuchar, hablar y leer en escolares que reciben atención ambulatoria.
Family literacy practices contribute to educational inclusion. In Cuba, progress has been made in inclusive policies, but the implementation of these practices in families is still lacking. In the province of Villa Clara, needs are identified in a particular context, the homes of school children receiving outpatient care. In surveys and interviews conducted with teachers who attend this modality and with family members, it was found that they lack the means, procedures and information on how to carry out inclusive educational practices. To meet these needs a brochure is offered with the aim of implementing family literacy practices through simple texts, easy to understand, adapted to a particular context that allow the development of language skills listening, speaking and reading in schoolchildren receiving attention ambulatory.
Family literacy practices contribute to educational inclusion. In Cuba, progress has been made in inclusive policies, but the implementation of these practices in families is still lacking. In the province of Villa Clara, needs are identified in a particular context, the homes of school children receiving outpatient care. In surveys and interviews conducted with teachers who attend this modality and with family members, it was found that they lack the means, procedures and information on how to carry out inclusive educational practices. To meet these needs a brochure is offered with the aim of implementing family literacy practices through simple texts, easy to understand, adapted to a particular context that allow the development of language skills listening, speaking and reading in schoolchildren receiving attention ambulatory.
Palabras clave
Literacidad, Familia, Atención Ambulatoria, Hablar, Escuchar, Leer, Inclusión Educativa, Inclusión Social, Políticas, Ambulatory Care, Educación Especial