Propuesta de diseño de infraestructuras para el manejo en la Reserva Florística Manejada Sabanas de Santa Clara en Villa Clara
González Valdivia, Mailiry
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Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Arquitectura.
Las infraestructuras en áreas protegidas dirigidas a las actividades de manejo y administración, juegan un papel fundamental pues apoyan la correcta realización de muchas actividades. Es importante el hecho de que deben estar enfocadas principalmente en insertarse de manera respetuosa con el medio y buscar en las soluciones de diseño, el confort de los visitantes.
La presente investigación pretende dar respuesta a la necesidad que tiene actualmente la Reserva Florística Manejada Sabanas de Santa Clara en Villa Clara, de una infraestructura capaz de garantizar las condiciones adecuadas de manejo. Como respuesta se proponen cuatro zonas de infraestructuras de diferente tipo emplazadas en la zona administrativa de la Reserva, dotando al área del apoyo necesario para el uso público de la misma.
Para ello se llevó a cabo una investigación de antecedentes, conceptos y sobre la intervención en este tipo de áreas, así como los criterios y normativas que se manejan a nivel nacional e internacional al respecto. Se elaboró además en un segundo momento una lista de necesidades sobre las que se dirige el trabajo de diseño analizando el contexto natural y antrópico que presenta actualmente la Reserva y proponiendo los criterios y premisas necesarios. Finalmente en un tercer momento se describe el resultado de la propuesta de intervención, así como la documentación técnica necesaria que permitirá su ejecución y puesta en marcha.
Infrastructure in protected areas directed to management and administration activities, play a fundamental role supporting the correct realization of many activities. It is important the fact that they must be focused mostly to be inserted in a respectful way with the environment and searching with the design solution the visitor comfort. This research aims to respond to the need that today actually have the Managed Floristic Reserve Sabanas de Santa Clara in Villa Clara, an infrastructure capable of ensuring adequate management. As a solution it is presented four different infrastructure areas which are located in the administration area, giving the necessary support for the public use of it. For the development of this proposal it was conducted background research, concepts and intervention in such areas as well as the approaches and standards that are managed at national and international level in this regard. A list of needs on which design work is directed by analyzing the natural and human context that currently presents the Reserve and proposing the necessary criteria and assumptions developed further in a second time. Finally, in a third stage the outcome of the proposed intervention it is described, and the necessary technical documentation which will allow its execution and implementation.
Infrastructure in protected areas directed to management and administration activities, play a fundamental role supporting the correct realization of many activities. It is important the fact that they must be focused mostly to be inserted in a respectful way with the environment and searching with the design solution the visitor comfort. This research aims to respond to the need that today actually have the Managed Floristic Reserve Sabanas de Santa Clara in Villa Clara, an infrastructure capable of ensuring adequate management. As a solution it is presented four different infrastructure areas which are located in the administration area, giving the necessary support for the public use of it. For the development of this proposal it was conducted background research, concepts and intervention in such areas as well as the approaches and standards that are managed at national and international level in this regard. A list of needs on which design work is directed by analyzing the natural and human context that currently presents the Reserve and proposing the necessary criteria and assumptions developed further in a second time. Finally, in a third stage the outcome of the proposed intervention it is described, and the necessary technical documentation which will allow its execution and implementation.
Palabras clave
Reserva Florística, Santa Clara, Infraestructura, Áreas Protegidas