Desambiguación del nombre de los autores en revistas científicas
Alonso Sierra, Luis Enrique
Hidalgo Delgado, Yusniel
Leiva Mederos, Amed Abel
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La ambigüedad en el nombre de los autores en las revistas científicas es un problema que afecta a las publicaciones de
este tipo. Dicho problema se refiere a la posibilidad de representar el nombre de los autores de diferentes formas en
los metadatos bibliográficos presentes en los repositorios digitales. Este se puede manifestar de dos formas diferentes,
(1) pueden aparecer nombres de autores iguales, pero que no se refieren al mismo autor y (2) aparecen nombres
diferentes, pero que se refieren al mismo autor. En este artículo se presenta un análisis crítico de las principales
aproximaciones existentes en la literatura para solucionar el problema antes mencionado. Se realizó una revisión
bibliográfica en las principales Bases de Datos referenciadas a nivel mundial, con el objetivo de identificar los
elementos más actuales y rigurosos posibles. Se pudo constatar que la variedad de técnicas utilizadas para resolver el
problema de la ambigüedad abarcan desde la utilización de técnicas de minería de datos hasta la utilización de la web
como fuente de información. Cada una de las soluciones planteadas posee limitaciones y ventajas que dependen de las
características de los datos utilizados. Finalmente, se concluye que no existe una solución definitiva para resolver el problema tratado debido a que los resultados de las aproximaciones no son cien por ciento completos y dependen
estrechamente de los datos utilizados.
Palabras clave: bibliometría, desambiguación, minería de datos, nombre de autor, revistas científicas.
The ambiguity in the names of authors in scientific journals is a problem that affects such publications. This problem concerns the possibility of representing the name of the authors of different ways in bibliographic metadata inside of digital repositories. This problem can manifest itself in two different ways. At first place, it is possible to find names of authors syntactically identical, but that do not refer to the same author. The second case refers to the appearance of different names that refer to the same author. This paper shows a study of the main approaches found in the literature to solve the above problem, in addition to a critical analysis of these solutions. To carry out research, a literature review was conducted in major databases referenced globally, with the goal of possibly exposing the latest and thorough elements. After having conducted the study, it was found that the variety of techniques used to solve the problem of ambiguity, range from the use of data mining techniques to the use of the web as an information source. Each of the proposed solutions has advantages and drawbacks, depending on the characteristics of the data used. Also it can be concluded that there is an ultimate solution for solving the problem addressed, due to its close dependence on the used data.
The ambiguity in the names of authors in scientific journals is a problem that affects such publications. This problem concerns the possibility of representing the name of the authors of different ways in bibliographic metadata inside of digital repositories. This problem can manifest itself in two different ways. At first place, it is possible to find names of authors syntactically identical, but that do not refer to the same author. The second case refers to the appearance of different names that refer to the same author. This paper shows a study of the main approaches found in the literature to solve the above problem, in addition to a critical analysis of these solutions. To carry out research, a literature review was conducted in major databases referenced globally, with the goal of possibly exposing the latest and thorough elements. After having conducted the study, it was found that the variety of techniques used to solve the problem of ambiguity, range from the use of data mining techniques to the use of the web as an information source. Each of the proposed solutions has advantages and drawbacks, depending on the characteristics of the data used. Also it can be concluded that there is an ultimate solution for solving the problem addressed, due to its close dependence on the used data.
Palabras clave
Revistas Científicas, Desambiguación de Nombres, Minería de Datos
ALONSO SIERRA LE, HIDALGO DELGADO Y, LEIVA MEDEROS AA, 2014. Desambiguación del nombre de los autores en revistas científicas. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas. 8 (3), pp. 131-150.