Comunicación digital en la emisora provincial de Villa Clara CMHW. Una propuesta estratégica
González Saura, María Elizabeth
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
El desarrollo de internet ha condicionado a la sociedad planteando, en muchas esferas, la necesidad de transformación hacia la red. En este sentido, los medios de comunicación masiva han revolucionado sus rutinas productivas, propiciando el desarrollo de prácticas comunicativas para el ámbito digital. El entorno mediático en Cuba no se ha visto exento de este fenómeno. La radiodifusión cubana se ha insertado en el escenario online asumiendo con ello su propia expresión. En ese escenario, la emisora provincial CMHW de Villa Clara, articula su inmersión en el mundo digital como espacio de encuentro con los usuarios. Sin embargo, se evidencia espontaneidad, aleatoriedad y empirismo en el manejo de las plataformas digitales. En este marco se inserta la investigación con el objetivo de proponer una estrategia de comunicación digital para la emisora. Para ello la alternativa metodológica propuesta es mixta con predominancia cuantitativa que permite analizar las prácticas que, en materia de comunicación digital, desarrolla el medio radial. Las técnicas escogidas, fueron la entrevista, la revisión de documentos oficiales y de datos secundarios o instrumentos mecánicos o electrónicos. El diagnóstico de comunicación digital realizado arrojó como resultado la escasez de prácticas comunicativas que garanticen una eficaz gestión de la comunicación digital. Ante esta situación, se articula una propuesta de Estrategia de comunicación digital, que responde a la optimización de las prácticas comunicacionales desarrolladas, que viabilicen el cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas institucionales, y a aumentar el alcance de la emisora provincial CMHW en sus plataformas digitales.
The development of the Internet has conditioned society, posing, in many spheres, the need for transformation towards the Internet. In this sense, the mass media have revolutionized their productive routines, fostering the development of communication practices for the digital field. The media environment in Cuba has not been exempt from this phenomenon. Cuban radio broadcasting has entered the online scene, thereby assuming its own expression. In this scenario, the provincial station CMHW of Villa Clara, articulates its immersion in the digital world as a meeting place with users. However, spontaneity, randomness and empiricism are evident in the management of digital platforms. Research is inserted in this framework with the aim of proposing a digital communication strategy for the station. For this, the proposed methodological alternative is mixed with a quantitative predominance that allows analyzing the practices that, in terms of digital communication, the radio medium develops. The techniques chosen were the interview, the review of official documents and secondary data or mechanical or electronic instruments. The diagnosis of digital communication carried out showed as a result the scarcity of communication practices that guarantee an effective management of digital communication. Faced with this situation, a proposal for a digital communication strategy is articulated, which responds to the optimization of the communication practices developed, which make possible the fulfillment of the institutional objectives and goals, and to increase the reach of the provincial station CMHW in its digital platforms.
The development of the Internet has conditioned society, posing, in many spheres, the need for transformation towards the Internet. In this sense, the mass media have revolutionized their productive routines, fostering the development of communication practices for the digital field. The media environment in Cuba has not been exempt from this phenomenon. Cuban radio broadcasting has entered the online scene, thereby assuming its own expression. In this scenario, the provincial station CMHW of Villa Clara, articulates its immersion in the digital world as a meeting place with users. However, spontaneity, randomness and empiricism are evident in the management of digital platforms. Research is inserted in this framework with the aim of proposing a digital communication strategy for the station. For this, the proposed methodological alternative is mixed with a quantitative predominance that allows analyzing the practices that, in terms of digital communication, the radio medium develops. The techniques chosen were the interview, the review of official documents and secondary data or mechanical or electronic instruments. The diagnosis of digital communication carried out showed as a result the scarcity of communication practices that guarantee an effective management of digital communication. Faced with this situation, a proposal for a digital communication strategy is articulated, which responds to the optimization of the communication practices developed, which make possible the fulfillment of the institutional objectives and goals, and to increase the reach of the provincial station CMHW in its digital platforms.
Palabras clave
Gestión de Comunicación Digital, Plataformas Digitales, Emisora Provincial de Villa Clara CMHW, Digital Communication, Digital Platforms, Villa Clara CMHW Provincial Station