Caraterización de las familias con hijos sordos para el desarrollo de la orientación educativa.
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Beatriz
Hernández Nodarse, Tania
Santos Fernández, Dunia Yudi
Carrera Morales, Mercedes
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La sociedad contemporánea reclama un papel activo de la familia en la educación de las nuevas generaciones, la educación familiar marcha unida a la que brindan las instituciones y la sociedad en su conjunto en la formación de la personalidad del individuo, es reconocido por diversos autores que la llegada de un hijo con discapacidadgenera un fuerte impacto, esta noticia desconcierta y altera en mayor o menor medida el sistema de vida familiar por lo que se requiere profundizaren su caracterización para ofrecer la orientación educativa de forma efectiva, desde esta perspectiva lainvestigacióntiene como objetivo: caracterizara las familias con hijos sordos,teniendo en cuentalas peculiaridades de procesos sociales y familiares que se desarrollan alrededor de ély que contribuyen a su formación como ser social; se toma en consideración además las potencialidades de los sujetos investigados, se hace un análisis objetivo de las realidades de estos hogares a partir de la realización de estudios de casos de familias, la aplicación de entrevistas a profesionales y familias, técnicas psicológicas variadas, la observación de la vida familiar, cuyos resultados permitieron proponer una tipología de familias para dirigir eficientemente los procesos de orientación fami
Contemporary society demands an active role of the family in the education of new generations, family education united march to providing the institutions and the society as a whole in the formation of an individual personality, it is recognized by various authors the impact of the arrival of a child with disabilities, this news disconcerts and alters to a greater or lesser extent the system of family life that is required to deepen his characterization to provide educational guidance effectively, from this perspective the research is aimed at characterizing families with deaf children,considering the peculiarities of family and social processes that develop around it and contribute to its formation as a social being; taking into consideration the potential of the research subjects, a goal of the realities of these households analyzes from the studies of cases of families is done, the application of interviews with professionals and families, various psychological techniques, observation of family life, whose results led to propose a typology of families to a efficient management of the processes of family orientation
Contemporary society demands an active role of the family in the education of new generations, family education united march to providing the institutions and the society as a whole in the formation of an individual personality, it is recognized by various authors the impact of the arrival of a child with disabilities, this news disconcerts and alters to a greater or lesser extent the system of family life that is required to deepen his characterization to provide educational guidance effectively, from this perspective the research is aimed at characterizing families with deaf children,considering the peculiarities of family and social processes that develop around it and contribute to its formation as a social being; taking into consideration the potential of the research subjects, a goal of the realities of these households analyzes from the studies of cases of families is done, the application of interviews with professionals and families, various psychological techniques, observation of family life, whose results led to propose a typology of families to a efficient management of the processes of family orientation
Palabras clave
Discapacidad, Vida Familiar, Funcionamiento Familiar, Disability, Familiar Life, Familiar Functioning