Estrategia de comunicación para la promoción de Horizontes Blog
González Rojas, Jennifer
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
La presente investigación tiene lugar en el entorno digital que adentra las principales plataformas de trabajo del Blog Horizontes, con el objetivo de diseñar una estrategia de comunicación para su promoción. El estudio se realizará a partir del empleo de una alternativa cuantitativa. El análisis anterior deduce que la presente investigación se realice sobre la base de un diseño no experimental transversal-descriptivo.
Durante la investigación se utiliza el tipo de muestreo: no probabilístico intencional de casos-tipo, en función del objetivo planteado, del diseño de investigación y de cada técnica. Se tomó como muestra la población activa que interactúa con la plataforma, cifras facilitadas por las propias herramientas empleadas. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de los datos fueron, la entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada de forma grupal a los públicos internos y la Analítica y métrica web, a partir de las herramientas estadísticas que brindan las propias plataformas. Se concluye que en el blog, los principales problemas rodean el ámbito de gestión comunicativa, incidiendo en la escasa visibilidad del blog en algunas de las plataformas en las que se encuentra activo. El principal resultado, derivado del estudio, corresponde al diseño de una estrategia de comunicación, para la promoción del Blog a modo general; por lo que se recomienda la implementación de la misma, como método efectivo para el logro de una correcta gestión promocional y comunicativa.
The current research work is developped in the digital environment of the main work platforms of Horizontes Blog, aiming to create a communication strategy for its promotion.The study will be carried out based on the use of a quantitative alternative. Out of the previous analysis it can be inferred that the current research work is carried out on the basis of a transversal-descriptive non experimental design. During the research the type of sampling used is the non probabilistic intentional one, of type cases, in accordance with the expressed purpose, of the design of the research and of each technique. It was taken as a sample the active population interacting with the platform, figures provided by the same implemented tools. The tools used for data collection were: the semi-structured interview, applied in a group form to the internal public and to the analytic and metrics web, using the statistics tools offered by the same platforms. It is concluded that in the blog, the main problems have to do with communicative management environment, affecting the little visibility of the blog in some of the platforms in which it is active. The main result, derived from the research work, corresponds to the design of a communication strategy for the promotion of the Blog in a general way; for which it is recommended its implementation, as an effective method to achieve an accurate communicative and promotional management.
The current research work is developped in the digital environment of the main work platforms of Horizontes Blog, aiming to create a communication strategy for its promotion.The study will be carried out based on the use of a quantitative alternative. Out of the previous analysis it can be inferred that the current research work is carried out on the basis of a transversal-descriptive non experimental design. During the research the type of sampling used is the non probabilistic intentional one, of type cases, in accordance with the expressed purpose, of the design of the research and of each technique. It was taken as a sample the active population interacting with the platform, figures provided by the same implemented tools. The tools used for data collection were: the semi-structured interview, applied in a group form to the internal public and to the analytic and metrics web, using the statistics tools offered by the same platforms. It is concluded that in the blog, the main problems have to do with communicative management environment, affecting the little visibility of the blog in some of the platforms in which it is active. The main result, derived from the research work, corresponds to the design of a communication strategy for the promotion of the Blog in a general way; for which it is recommended its implementation, as an effective method to achieve an accurate communicative and promotional management.
Palabras clave
Comunicación, Promoción, Estrategia de Comunicación, Communication, Promotion, Communication Strategy