Evaluación de alternativas de tratamiento de aguas residuales coloreadas
Pérez Bernal, Leidy Laura
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Licenciatura en Química
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar alternativas de tratamiento de bajo costo y alta eficiencia en la depuración de aguas residuales de la industria textil, para ello, primeramente, se evaluó la influencia del pH en la adsorción de azul de metileno con bagazo de caña de azúcar, obteniéndose la mejor adsorción del colorante a pH 7. Posteriormente se realizó el estudio cinético, obteniéndose elevadas eficiencias de remoción del colorante desde los primeros minutos de tiempo de contacto, se obtuvieron las contantes cinéticas del modelo de seudosegundo orden, siendo este modelo el que mejor correlación presentó. El estudio de equilibrio termodinámico de la adsorción se realizó a tres temperaturas (30, 45 y 60 °C), donde las diferencias en la adsorción a estas temperaturas no fueron significativas estadísticamente. Se realizó el ajuste de los datos experimentales a diferentes modelos de adsorción, obteniéndose un mejor ajuste al modelo de Temkin. Finalmente, se evaluó la remoción de colorantes y materia orgánica en un humedal experimental, obteniéndose eficiencias de remoción superiores a 80 % para el azul de metileno y a 90 % para la materia orgánica.
The present work aimed to evaluate low-cost and high-efficiency treatment alternatives in the treatment of wastewater from the textile industry, for this, firstly, the influence of pH on the adsorption of methylene blue with sugarcane bagasse was evaluated. sugar, obtaining the best adsorption of the dye at pH 7. Subsequently, the kinetic study was carried out, obtaining high efficiencies of removal of the dye from the first minutes of contact time, the kinetic constants of the pseudo-second order model were obtained, this model being the that best correlation presented. The study of thermodynamic equilibrium of the adsorption was carried out at three temperatures (30, 45 and 60 ° C), where the differences in the adsorption at these temperatures were not statistically significant. The experimental data was adjusted to different adsorption models, obtaining a better fit to the Temkin model. Finally, the removal of dyes and organic matter was evaluated in an experimental wetland, obtaining removal efficiencies higher than 80% for methylene blue and 90% for organic matter.
The present work aimed to evaluate low-cost and high-efficiency treatment alternatives in the treatment of wastewater from the textile industry, for this, firstly, the influence of pH on the adsorption of methylene blue with sugarcane bagasse was evaluated. sugar, obtaining the best adsorption of the dye at pH 7. Subsequently, the kinetic study was carried out, obtaining high efficiencies of removal of the dye from the first minutes of contact time, the kinetic constants of the pseudo-second order model were obtained, this model being the that best correlation presented. The study of thermodynamic equilibrium of the adsorption was carried out at three temperatures (30, 45 and 60 ° C), where the differences in the adsorption at these temperatures were not statistically significant. The experimental data was adjusted to different adsorption models, obtaining a better fit to the Temkin model. Finally, the removal of dyes and organic matter was evaluated in an experimental wetland, obtaining removal efficiencies higher than 80% for methylene blue and 90% for organic matter.
Palabras clave
Industria Textil, Aguas Residuales, Estudio Cinético, Remoción de Colorantes, Impacto Ambiental