Análisis de dominio sobre riesgos y clima en la Web of Science
Sánchez Loyola, Anabel
Peralta González, María Josefa
Matos Pupo, Felipe
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Objetivo: Identificar las regularidades bibliométricas de la temática Riesgos y Clima desde la perspectiva del análisis de dominio en la base de
datos Web of Science.
Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: El estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo
justificado en los métodos bibliométrico y el análisis de redes sociales. La
base de datos Web of Science permitió recuperar la producción científica
sobre Riesgos y Clima. Se calculan indicadores primarios y se realizan representaciones multivariadas del dominio.
Resultados/Discusión: Los incrementos de la producción científica fueron
identificados en el 2006 y 2008 donde la tasa de variación manifiesta su
mayor expresión. Existe elevada productividad y colaboración en Estados
Unidos, Inglaterra y Australia respectivamente y se identificó la participación
de países latinoamericanos en la producción científica de la temática. James D. Ford y Tristan Pearce son los autores con mayor número de trabajos
en colaboración (13 artículos) en los temas de cambio climático en el ártico
canadiense y la adaptación de los esquimales. Ciencias Medioambientales y
Ecología (Environmental Science & Ecology) predominan en las categorías
temáticas. Las revistas más influyentes tienen un factor de impacto mayor
que 4. El autor más citado es el Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre
el Cambio Climático (IPCC), las revistas altamente citadas fueron: Climatic
Change y Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions.
Conclusiones: El análisis de dominio revela patrones que no pueden ser
observados a simple vista en el pensamiento y lenguaje de los grupos
profesionales. La Bibliometría es el enfoque más extendido y utilizado. El
estudio permitió realizar un análisis profundo de la temática Riesgos y Clima identificando los rasgos que la caracterizan en la producción científica
indizada en el Web of Science.
Originalidad/Valor: Es un tema que preocupa a la comunidad científica a
nivel mundial, argumentado en el creciente aumento de artículos sobre el
tema. El estudio es referente para futuras investigaciones que se realicen
sobre Riesgos y Clima. Satisface una demanda del Centro de Investigaciones de Ecosistemas Costeros de Ciego de Ávila en Cuba, el cual necesitaba
conocer la producción científica sobre esta temática para sus líneas de
investigación y desarrollo científico
Objective: Identify the bibliometric regularities of the topic Risk and Climate from the perspective of domain analysis in the Web of Science database. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study has a justified quantitative approach in the bibliometric methods and the social networks analysis. The Web of Science database allowed to recover the scientific production on Risks and Climate. Primary indicators are calculated, and multivariate representations of the domain are made. Results/Discussion: Increases in scientific output were identified in 2006 and 2008, where the variation rate shows its highest expression. There is high productivity and collaboration in the United States, England and Australia respectively, and the participation of Latin American countries in the scientific production of the subject was identified. James D. Ford and Tristan Pearce are the authors with the largest number of collaborative works (13 articles) on the topics of climate change in the Canadian Arctic and adaptation of the Eskimos. Environmental Sciences and Ecology (En - vironmental Science & Ecology) predominate in thematic categories. The most influential journals have an impact factor greater than 4. The most cited author is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the highly cited journals were: Climatic Change and Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions. Conclusions: Domain analysis reveals patterns that cannot be observed with the naked eye in the thinking and language of professional groups. Bibliometrics is the most widespread and used approach. The study al - lowed us to carry out an in-depth analysis of the topic Risk and Climate, identifying the features that characterize it in the scientific production in - dexed in the Web of Science. Originality/Value: It is a topic that worries the scientific community worldwide, based on the growing increase in articles on the subject. The study is a reference for future research on risks and climate. It meets a demand from the Coastal Ecosystem Research Center of Ciego de Ávila in Cuba, which needed to know the scientific production on this topic for its research and scientific development.
Objective: Identify the bibliometric regularities of the topic Risk and Climate from the perspective of domain analysis in the Web of Science database. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study has a justified quantitative approach in the bibliometric methods and the social networks analysis. The Web of Science database allowed to recover the scientific production on Risks and Climate. Primary indicators are calculated, and multivariate representations of the domain are made. Results/Discussion: Increases in scientific output were identified in 2006 and 2008, where the variation rate shows its highest expression. There is high productivity and collaboration in the United States, England and Australia respectively, and the participation of Latin American countries in the scientific production of the subject was identified. James D. Ford and Tristan Pearce are the authors with the largest number of collaborative works (13 articles) on the topics of climate change in the Canadian Arctic and adaptation of the Eskimos. Environmental Sciences and Ecology (En - vironmental Science & Ecology) predominate in thematic categories. The most influential journals have an impact factor greater than 4. The most cited author is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the highly cited journals were: Climatic Change and Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions. Conclusions: Domain analysis reveals patterns that cannot be observed with the naked eye in the thinking and language of professional groups. Bibliometrics is the most widespread and used approach. The study al - lowed us to carry out an in-depth analysis of the topic Risk and Climate, identifying the features that characterize it in the scientific production in - dexed in the Web of Science. Originality/Value: It is a topic that worries the scientific community worldwide, based on the growing increase in articles on the subject. The study is a reference for future research on risks and climate. It meets a demand from the Coastal Ecosystem Research Center of Ciego de Ávila in Cuba, which needed to know the scientific production on this topic for its research and scientific development.
Palabras clave
Análisis de Dominio, Bibliometría, Riesgos, Clima, Web of Science, Domain Analysis, Bibliometrics, Risks, Climate, Web of Science
Citar según la fuente original: Sánchez-Loyola, Anabel and Peralta-González, María Josefa and Matos-Pupo, Felipe Análisis de dominio sobre riesgos y clima en la Web of Science. Bibliotecas. Anales de investigación, 2019, vol. 15, n. 3, pp. 295-314.