Folleto de actividades de construcción de textos descriptivos para estudiantes de 7mo grado
Gil Fuentes, Claudia Lázara
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Media. Departamento de Español Literatura.
En la Secundaria Básica la construcción de textos tiene una gran importancia en
cualesquiera de los tres grados; una de las principales problemáticas que presenta este
contenido es el ajuste al tema, calidad y suficiencia en las ideas, delimitación de oraciones
y párrafos, y la presentación. En tal sentido, la siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo
la elaboración de un folleto de actividades para contribuir al desarrollo de la construcción
de textos descriptivos en los estudiantes de 7.
grado desde la perspectiva del enfoque
cognitivo, comunicativo y sociocultural. Fueron empleados métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, ascenso de lo abstracto a lo concreto y
enfoque sistémico; métodos empíricos: análisis de documentos, encuesta a profesores,
encuesta a estudiantes, entrevista a Jefe de año, prueba pedagógica y criterio de
especialistas; como métodos matemáticos y/o estadísticos: análisis porcentual y la
estadística descriptiva. La propuesta se aplicó en la ESBU “Camilo Cienfuegos” del
municipio de Ranchuelo, durante el curso escolar 2017-2018; se valoró mediante el
criterio de especialistas su estructura, contenido, calidad y pertinencia.
In the Basic Secondary the construction of texts has a great importance in any of the three grades; problematic one of the main ones that presents this content is the adjustment to the topic, quality and sufficiency in the ideas, delimitation of sentences and paragraphs, and the presentation. In such a sense, the following investigation has as objective the elaboration of a pamphlet of activities to contribute to the development of the construction of descriptive texts in the students of 7. 0 grade from the perspective of the focus cognitivo, talkative and sociocultural. They were employees theoretical methods: historical-logical, analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, ascent of the abstract to the concrete and systemic focus; empiric methods: documents analysis, interviews to professors, interviews to students, interviews to year Boss, pedagogic test and specialists' approach; as mathematical and/or statistical methods: percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. The proposal was applied in the ESBU "Camilo Cienfuegos" of the municipality of Ranchuelo, during the school course 2017-2018; it was valued by means of the approach of specialists their structure, content, quality and relevancy.
In the Basic Secondary the construction of texts has a great importance in any of the three grades; problematic one of the main ones that presents this content is the adjustment to the topic, quality and sufficiency in the ideas, delimitation of sentences and paragraphs, and the presentation. In such a sense, the following investigation has as objective the elaboration of a pamphlet of activities to contribute to the development of the construction of descriptive texts in the students of 7. 0 grade from the perspective of the focus cognitivo, talkative and sociocultural. They were employees theoretical methods: historical-logical, analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, ascent of the abstract to the concrete and systemic focus; empiric methods: documents analysis, interviews to professors, interviews to students, interviews to year Boss, pedagogic test and specialists' approach; as mathematical and/or statistical methods: percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. The proposal was applied in the ESBU "Camilo Cienfuegos" of the municipality of Ranchuelo, during the school course 2017-2018; it was valued by means of the approach of specialists their structure, content, quality and relevancy.
Palabras clave
Educación Secundaria Básica, Proceso de Enseñanza, Construcción de Textos