Comparación de las características de la prosocialibilidad en escolares en riesgos de presentar trastornos negativista desafiante y sus coetáneos.
O`Neill Palacio, Francis
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
La presente investigación se efectuó el período de Octubre de 2011 a Marzo de 2012, con el objetivo de comparar la prosociabilidad en adolescentes en riesgo de presentar trastornos negativista desafiante y sus pares escolares que no lo presentan. La muestra incluyó a 50 adolescentes, entre 11 y 12 años de edad, que cursan el sexto grado en la escuela primaria Ramón Ruiz del Sol del municipio Santa Clara. Se conformaron dos grupos de 25 miembros cada uno; el de estudio integrado por escolares con riesgo de presentar trastornos negativista desafiante, identificados en la pirámide de riesgo de la institución. El grupo testigo se conformó por menores que reciben la misma influencia educativa y no presentan este riesgo.
Se aplicaron las técnicas: Cuestionario de Conducta Prosocial, Cuestionario de Conducta Antisocial, Completamiento de frases, técnica de los diez deseos, encuesta a los escolares, entrevista a los docentes, observación a actividades académicas. Se revisaron los expedientes escolares, la caracterización psicopedagógica y el corte evaluativo de cada escolar. El análisis estadístico y cualitativo de los datos obtenidos confirmó la presencia de manifestaciones deficientes de prosociabilidad en una proporción significativa en los escolares del grupo de estudio, aspecto que los diferencia de sus pares. Manifestaciones como la impulsividad, la falta de respeto a sus semejantes y adultos, la agresividad verbal, el aislamiento, la escasa empatía, la poca capacidad de sociabilidad y liderazgo, caracterizaron a este grupo. Las principales esferas de conflictos, generadoras de este actuar fueron la personal, la escolar y la familiar. Dentro de las principales causas de esta insuficiente prosocialidad en estos adolescentes se encontraron la influencia familiar inadecuada, la inconsistencia educativa, mal manejo psicopedagógico en la escuela; la presencia de redes de apoyo deficientes; la incapacidad emocional para enfrentar los eventos y dificultades. Por último se ofrecen conclusiones y recomendaciones de utilidad teórica y práctica para mejorar la labor psicopedagógica integral de atención a este tipo de escolar.
The following research was conducted with all intentions and purposes of comparing pro-social behaviors between two groups of primary school students age-ranging between the ages of: 10-12 years old. Both groups are considered students in their pre-adolescence stage, in sixth grade which has an equivalence of standard four. Both groups consist of twenty-five students each and are all enrolled and attending the upper division level of:”Ramon Ruiz del Sol”, a normal primary school located in the heart of Santa-Clara City, Cuba. This research commenced in October of 2011 and concluded in April of 2012. The application of testing lasted within a one month period. The first group is considered the control - group and consist of a classroom of twenty-five students that projects high levels of prosocial behaviors and are both academically and emotionally doing well. The second group is the study – group and consist of a classroom of twenty-five students that manifest negative and anti-social behaviors and hence the reason for not doing well neither academically nor emotionally. A series of psychological techniques were implemented during dissertational research that measures both: sociability levels and anti-social levels of behaviors in both groups. Psychological-Techniques consist of the following: Prosocial Conduct Questionnaires, Anti-social questionnaires, Test on: completion of phrases, Technique on: 10- desires/wants, Interview with teachers and students, Revision of students performance in subject areas and overall performance in related activities, and Revision and analysis of school documents. All results obtained from the different testing, has proven that the vast majority of students within the study-group are lacking in prosocial behaviors hence the reason for them displaying negative and anti-social behaviors. Another important reason for this research was that the Principal, parents and teachers were all developing concerns regarding this group, hence the reason for their referral and recommendations to us in carry out our dissertation with this group of students. Their academic and behavioral performance was not up to standard to those of their coetaneous group whom were all doing well. The results that this group obtained on the questionnaire regarding prosocial conduct were deficient in comparison to those of the other group that all ranked well. On the other questionnaire regarding anti-social and negative behavior, the results of the study-group was alarming as most of them manifested having high - levels of anti-social behaviors on this questionnaire.
The following research was conducted with all intentions and purposes of comparing pro-social behaviors between two groups of primary school students age-ranging between the ages of: 10-12 years old. Both groups are considered students in their pre-adolescence stage, in sixth grade which has an equivalence of standard four. Both groups consist of twenty-five students each and are all enrolled and attending the upper division level of:”Ramon Ruiz del Sol”, a normal primary school located in the heart of Santa-Clara City, Cuba. This research commenced in October of 2011 and concluded in April of 2012. The application of testing lasted within a one month period. The first group is considered the control - group and consist of a classroom of twenty-five students that projects high levels of prosocial behaviors and are both academically and emotionally doing well. The second group is the study – group and consist of a classroom of twenty-five students that manifest negative and anti-social behaviors and hence the reason for not doing well neither academically nor emotionally. A series of psychological techniques were implemented during dissertational research that measures both: sociability levels and anti-social levels of behaviors in both groups. Psychological-Techniques consist of the following: Prosocial Conduct Questionnaires, Anti-social questionnaires, Test on: completion of phrases, Technique on: 10- desires/wants, Interview with teachers and students, Revision of students performance in subject areas and overall performance in related activities, and Revision and analysis of school documents. All results obtained from the different testing, has proven that the vast majority of students within the study-group are lacking in prosocial behaviors hence the reason for them displaying negative and anti-social behaviors. Another important reason for this research was that the Principal, parents and teachers were all developing concerns regarding this group, hence the reason for their referral and recommendations to us in carry out our dissertation with this group of students. Their academic and behavioral performance was not up to standard to those of their coetaneous group whom were all doing well. The results that this group obtained on the questionnaire regarding prosocial conduct were deficient in comparison to those of the other group that all ranked well. On the other questionnaire regarding anti-social and negative behavior, the results of the study-group was alarming as most of them manifested having high - levels of anti-social behaviors on this questionnaire.
Palabras clave
Prosociabilidad, Trastorno Negativista Desafiante, Conducta Antisocial, Conducta Prosocial, Adolescentes, Factores de Riesgo, Adolescents, Risk Factors, Sociability, Pro-social behaviorl