Sistema de tareas para la evaluación de la lectura en inglés
Avilés Contreras, Yenilen
Nodarse González, Norma Melitina
Gimeranez Gómez, Ismayasil
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La enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma inglés a nivel universitario está inmersa
en un proceso evolutivo de métodos y enfoques para lograr dominio de la lengua en
función de la formación de profesionales capaces de comunicarse en inglés, en su
actividad profesional. Con el nacimiento del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para
las Lenguas (MCER), la visión del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las lenguas
extranjeras ha sido repensado y reorganizado, lográndose un nuevo enfoque y como
resultado, mayor importancia, no sólo para la enseñanza y aprendizaje sino también para
la evaluación. Esta investigación se sustenta en el método general de investigación:
dialéctico-materialista, donde se utilizan de forma combinada métodos del enfoque
cuantitativo y cualitativo. Se realiza un diagnóstico de necesidades relacionad con el
proceso de evaluación de la lectura en idioma inglés en segundo año de Ingeniería
Hidráulica de la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas, cuyos resultados
muestran el uso de patrones tradicionales y que no se toman como referente todos los
criterios del MCER para la elaboración de exámenes alineados y estandarizados. Los profesores tienen insuficientes conocimientos sobre conceptos fundamentales en este
sentido. En respuesta a esa necesidad se elabora un sistema de tareas para la evaluación
de la lectura en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales de la evaluación de la lengua
en el contexto de la Educación Superior Cubana y tomando como referente los
descriptores del MCER. El sistema fue valorado mediante criterio de especialistas.
English language teaching and learning process at university level is involved in an evolutionary process of methods and approaches to achieve language proficiency in order to train professionals able to communicate in English, in their professional activity. With the birth of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the vision of the teaching and learning process of foreign languages has been rethought and reorganized, achieving a new approach and as a result, of greater importance, not only for teaching and learning but also for testing. This research is based on the general method of research: dialectical-materialist, where a combination of methods from quantitative and qualitative approaches are used. A diagnosis of needs is made related to the process of English readings testing in Hydraulic Engineering second year at Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, which result shows the use of traditional patterns and CEFR criteria are not taken into account in the designing of standardized test. Teachers lack of enough knowledge about fundamental concepts in this sense. In response to this need, a system of tasks for testing English Readings is elaborated in accordance with the requirements of English language Readings testing for Cuban Higher Education context and CEFR descriptors certified. The system was assessed through specialist’s criteria.
English language teaching and learning process at university level is involved in an evolutionary process of methods and approaches to achieve language proficiency in order to train professionals able to communicate in English, in their professional activity. With the birth of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the vision of the teaching and learning process of foreign languages has been rethought and reorganized, achieving a new approach and as a result, of greater importance, not only for teaching and learning but also for testing. This research is based on the general method of research: dialectical-materialist, where a combination of methods from quantitative and qualitative approaches are used. A diagnosis of needs is made related to the process of English readings testing in Hydraulic Engineering second year at Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, which result shows the use of traditional patterns and CEFR criteria are not taken into account in the designing of standardized test. Teachers lack of enough knowledge about fundamental concepts in this sense. In response to this need, a system of tasks for testing English Readings is elaborated in accordance with the requirements of English language Readings testing for Cuban Higher Education context and CEFR descriptors certified. The system was assessed through specialist’s criteria.
Palabras clave
Ingeniería Hidráulica, Tareas, Lectura, Evaluación, Idioma Inglés, System of Tasks, Hydraulic Engineering, English Language Readings, Testing