Diseño de un plan de marketing para el Hotel Las Cuevas, Trinidad. 2021-2025
Meneses Pérez, Carlos Oslando
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La actividad turística reviste gran significación para el desarrollo social y económico de
Cuba. Debido en los fundamental a la actual contingencia sanitaria que ha redireccionado
las formas de concebir el turismo, alcanza especial significación que las entidades
turísticas posean un instrumento de planificación comercial eficaz y eficiente, elaborado
sobre bases científicas que le permitan enfrentar la competencia y el actual escenario
internacional, incrementar su competitividad y lograr el posicionamiento deseado. Es por
eso, que el objetivo de la presente investigación es ofrecer a la dirección del Hotel Las
Cuevas del municipio de Trinidad un plan de marketing. Para el diseño del mismo se
aplicó el procedimiento de Perelló (2001), porque es el que más se ajusta al sistema
turístico cubano y principalmente a la empresa hotelera. En este sentido se realizó un
diagnóstico de la situación actual de la entidad, como punto de partida para elaborar la
propuesta. Entre las principales técnicas y métodos utilizados se encuentran el análisis
bibliográfico y documental, la observación directa, la Matriz DAFO, entre otras, las cuales
demostraron su eficiencia para la recolección de la información. El principal efecto del
estudio fue precisamente, el plan de marketing, como herramienta facilitadora de la
gestión comercial que le aporta objetivos, estrategias y acciones debidamente controladas
para el éxito de su actividad comercial y el mejoramiento de sus resultados económicos a
corto mediano y largo plazo.
Tourism industry has great significance for Cuba's social and economic development. The current sanitary contingency has significantly changed the ways of conceiving and operating tourism and therefore it´s very important for tourist companies to have an effective and efficient commercial planning instrument, designed on scientific bases which will allow them to face competition and the current international scenario, increase their competitiveness and achieve the desired positioning. In accordance with this, this research is intended to provide the Hotel Las Cuevas Management, in the municipality of Trinidad, with a marketing plan. For its design, the Perelló (2001) procedure was applied; it is the one that best fits the Cuban tourism system and mainly the hotel enterprise. In this sense, a diagnosis of the current situation of the company was conducted, as a starting point to elaborate the proposal. Among the main techniques and methods used were the bibliographic and documentary analysis, direct observation, the SWOT Matrix and others, which proved to be efficient for the collection of information. The main effect of the research was precisely the marketing plan, as a facilitating tool for commercial management providing objectives, strategies and actions duly controlled for the success of its commercial activity and the improvement of its economic results in the short, medium and long terms.
Tourism industry has great significance for Cuba's social and economic development. The current sanitary contingency has significantly changed the ways of conceiving and operating tourism and therefore it´s very important for tourist companies to have an effective and efficient commercial planning instrument, designed on scientific bases which will allow them to face competition and the current international scenario, increase their competitiveness and achieve the desired positioning. In accordance with this, this research is intended to provide the Hotel Las Cuevas Management, in the municipality of Trinidad, with a marketing plan. For its design, the Perelló (2001) procedure was applied; it is the one that best fits the Cuban tourism system and mainly the hotel enterprise. In this sense, a diagnosis of the current situation of the company was conducted, as a starting point to elaborate the proposal. Among the main techniques and methods used were the bibliographic and documentary analysis, direct observation, the SWOT Matrix and others, which proved to be efficient for the collection of information. The main effect of the research was precisely the marketing plan, as a facilitating tool for commercial management providing objectives, strategies and actions duly controlled for the success of its commercial activity and the improvement of its economic results in the short, medium and long terms.
Palabras clave
Turismo, Actividad turística, Entidades turísticas, Sistema turístico cubano