El empleo del museo en el estudio de la Historia Local para 9no grado
Ochoa Montes de Oca, Cesar Daniel
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu‘‘ de las Villas. Departamento Marxismo Historia. Licenciatura en Educación. Especialidad: Marxismo Leninismo e Historia.
En el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer actividades que contribuyan al estudio de la Historia Local en el 9º grado desde el museo como sistema de medios de enseñanza de la historia en el programa de Historia de Cuba. El contenido de la investigación se centró en una propuesta de actividades interrelacionadas con el Museo Provincial de Villa Clara, aprovechando las potencialidades que brinda la comunidad, para extender el conocimiento de la localidad desde este sitio histórico, lo cual posibilita el desarrollo de conocimientos, valores, habilidades, hábitos y actitudes.
Para el logro de su realización se utilizaron diferentes métodos. Del nivel teórico fueron empleados: el inductivo-deductivo, el analítico-sintético, el histórico-lógico y ascenso de lo abstracto a lo concreto. Del nivel empírico fueron utilizados: el análisis de documentos, la entrevista, la encuesta, criterio de especialistas y método experimental. Del nivel matemático y/o estadístico fueron empleados el análisis porcentual, estadística descriptiva y la tabulación.
Los evaluadores externos valoraron la calidad y la pertinencia de la propuesta de solución al problema científico.
This paper aims to propose activities that contribute to the study of Local History in the 9th grade from the museum as a system of means of teaching history in the History of Cuba program. The content of the research focused on a proposal of activities interrelated with the Provincial Museum of Villa Clara, taking advantage of the potential offered by the community, to extend the knowledge of the town from this historic site, which enables the development of knowledge, values , skills, habits and attitudes. Different methods were used to achieve its realization. From the theoretical level were used: the inductive-deductive, the analytical-synthetic, the historical-logical and ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Empirical level were used: document analysis, interview, survey, criteria of specialists and experimental method. From the mathematical and / or statistical level, percentage analysis, descriptive statistics and tabulation were used. External evaluators assessed the quality and relevance of the proposed solution to the scientific problem.
This paper aims to propose activities that contribute to the study of Local History in the 9th grade from the museum as a system of means of teaching history in the History of Cuba program. The content of the research focused on a proposal of activities interrelated with the Provincial Museum of Villa Clara, taking advantage of the potential offered by the community, to extend the knowledge of the town from this historic site, which enables the development of knowledge, values , skills, habits and attitudes. Different methods were used to achieve its realization. From the theoretical level were used: the inductive-deductive, the analytical-synthetic, the historical-logical and ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Empirical level were used: document analysis, interview, survey, criteria of specialists and experimental method. From the mathematical and / or statistical level, percentage analysis, descriptive statistics and tabulation were used. External evaluators assessed the quality and relevance of the proposed solution to the scientific problem.
Palabras clave
Historia de Cuba, Historia Local, Historia, Educación, Educación Superior, Ensenanza de la Historia, Didática de la Historia