Guión metodológico para el guiaje turístico: excursión Santa Clara-Remedios de la Agencia de Viajes Gaviota Tours Centro
Llerena Carro, Danay
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La labor del guía de turismo resulta indispensable para el turismo receptivo pues es el principal agente de información en un destino turístico. Asume la importante tarea de interpretar el patrimonio, ofreciendo experiencias valiosas y mayores oportunidades para el disfrute de los turistas. La Agencia de Viaje Gaviota Tours Centro, principal receptiva en el destino Cayos de Villa Clara, cuenta con un colectivo de guías que se encarga de prestar servicios de recepción, asistencia y conducción. Actualmente se manifiestan dificultades relacionadas con la reparación de los guías en el uso adecuado de las técnicas de interpretación. Siendo imprescindible introducir la interpretación en la actividad turística para crear un valor añadido a los productos turísticos, la presente investigación se centra en el diseño de un guión metodológico para la planificación del guiaje en la excursión Santa Clara-Remedios que oferta la agencia, donde se incluyen las técnicas de guiaje y de interpretación del patrimonio. Con este fin se aplicó la Metodología para el diseño de guiones de recorridos guiados propuesta por Pino (2014). El principal valor de la presente investigación, reside en que la propuesta del guión turístico
está en concordancia con los lineamientos de la Política Económica y Social del
Partido y la Revolución, cumpliendo con la necesidad de incrementar la competitividad de Cuba en los mercados, a partir, principalmente de la elevación
de la calidad de los servicios, donde el guiaje resulta vital; así como contribuyendo a
la creación, diversificación y consolidación de ofertas complementarias al alojamiento que distingan al país en diferentes modalidades.
The work of the tour guide is indispensable for incoming tourism because he is the main agent for information on a destination. He assumes the important task of interpreting the heritage, offering valuable experiences and opportunities for the enjoyment of tourists. Gaviota Tours Centro, the main Receptive Travel Agency in Villa Clara Keys destination, features a group of guides who are responsible for providing reception services and driving assistance. Currently there are difficulties related to the preparation of guidelines on the appropriate use of interpretation techniques. Being essential to introduce the interpretation in tourism to create added value to tourism products, the present research focuses on the design of a methodological script for planning guiding on the tour Santa Clara-Remedios offered by the agency, including guiding techniques and heritage interpretation techniques. For this purpose the methodology for designing scripts guided tours given by Pino (2014) was applied. The main value of this research is that the proposed tourist script is in accordance with the guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, fulfilling the need to increase competitiveness in the markets of Cuba, from, mainly the improvement of the quality of services, where the guiding is very important; well as contributing to the creation, diversification and consolidation of complementary offers accommodation that distinguish the country in different modalities
The work of the tour guide is indispensable for incoming tourism because he is the main agent for information on a destination. He assumes the important task of interpreting the heritage, offering valuable experiences and opportunities for the enjoyment of tourists. Gaviota Tours Centro, the main Receptive Travel Agency in Villa Clara Keys destination, features a group of guides who are responsible for providing reception services and driving assistance. Currently there are difficulties related to the preparation of guidelines on the appropriate use of interpretation techniques. Being essential to introduce the interpretation in tourism to create added value to tourism products, the present research focuses on the design of a methodological script for planning guiding on the tour Santa Clara-Remedios offered by the agency, including guiding techniques and heritage interpretation techniques. For this purpose the methodology for designing scripts guided tours given by Pino (2014) was applied. The main value of this research is that the proposed tourist script is in accordance with the guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, fulfilling the need to increase competitiveness in the markets of Cuba, from, mainly the improvement of the quality of services, where the guiding is very important; well as contributing to the creation, diversification and consolidation of complementary offers accommodation that distinguish the country in different modalities
Palabras clave
Guiaje Turístico, Agencias de Viajes, Interpretación del Patrimonio, Gaviota Tours Centro