Diagnóstico del procesamiento de la información audiovisual en la televisora local Centro Norte Televisión de Caibarién
Marrero Martínez, Marcia de la Caridad
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
El procesamiento de la información audiovisual ha sido un tema abordado desde la producción científica enfocado en la producción cinematográfica y en los canales nacionales. Los canales de televisión local son medios para la socialización de contenidos que reflejen la cotidianidad y tradiciones del lugar donde esté enmarcado. El procesamiento de la información audiovisual en la televisión local es un área que ha sido poco abordada desde la producción científica. El canal local Centro Norte Televisión es una televisora ubicada en el municipio de Caibarién, provincia de Villa Clara. En el canal se han identificado problemáticas en torno a la calidad del procesamiento de la información audiovisual y a la no identificación de varios procesos técnicos documentales. Se plantearon como objetivos del estudio: 1) examinar los referentes teóricos conceptuales relacionados con el procesamiento de la información audiovisual en la televisión local, 2) elaborar un instrumento que favorezca identificar el procesamiento de la información audiovisual en la televisora local Centro Norte Televisión y 3) caracterizar el procesamiento de la información audiovisual en la televisora local Centro Norte Televisión. La investigación realizada clasificó como descriptiva y se emplearon métodos en los niveles teórico y empírico, fundamentalmente el análisis documental y la encuesta. Se construyó un instrumento con el propósito de diagnosticar las prácticas en torno al procesamiento de la información audiovisual en Centro Norte Televisión. Los resultados muestran que ninguno de los procesos documentales se realiza de forma óptima.
The processing of audiovisual information has been an issue addressed by scientific production focused on film production and national channels. The local television channels are means for the socialization of contents that reflect the daily life and traditions of the place where it is framed. The processing of audiovisual information on local television is an area that has been little addressed since scientific production. The local channel Centro Norte Televisión is a television station located in the municipality of Caibarién, province of Villa Clara. In the channel, problems have been identified regarding the quality of the processing of audiovisual information and the non-identification of several technical documentary processes. The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine the conceptual theoretical referents related to the processing of audiovisual information in local television, 2) to elaborate an instrument that favors identifying the processing of audiovisual information in the local television station Centro Norte Television y 3) characterize the processing of audiovisual information on the local television station Centro Norte Televisión. The research carried out classified as descriptive and methods were used at the theoretical and empirical levels, mainly the documentary analysis and the survey. An instrument was created with the purpose of diagnosing the practices around the processing of audiovisual information in Centro Norte Televisión. The results show that none of the documentary processes is performed optimally.
The processing of audiovisual information has been an issue addressed by scientific production focused on film production and national channels. The local television channels are means for the socialization of contents that reflect the daily life and traditions of the place where it is framed. The processing of audiovisual information on local television is an area that has been little addressed since scientific production. The local channel Centro Norte Televisión is a television station located in the municipality of Caibarién, province of Villa Clara. In the channel, problems have been identified regarding the quality of the processing of audiovisual information and the non-identification of several technical documentary processes. The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine the conceptual theoretical referents related to the processing of audiovisual information in local television, 2) to elaborate an instrument that favors identifying the processing of audiovisual information in the local television station Centro Norte Television y 3) characterize the processing of audiovisual information on the local television station Centro Norte Televisión. The research carried out classified as descriptive and methods were used at the theoretical and empirical levels, mainly the documentary analysis and the survey. An instrument was created with the purpose of diagnosing the practices around the processing of audiovisual information in Centro Norte Televisión. The results show that none of the documentary processes is performed optimally.
Palabras clave
Procesamiento de Información Audiovisual, Televisión Local, Documentos Audiovisuales, Centro Norte Televisión, Caibarien, Villa Clara, Processing of Audiovisual Information, Local Television, Audiovisual Documents