El turismo como sector pivote del desarrollo local en Cuba
Mendoza Carrazana, Yadira
Mendez Delgado, Elier
Lloret Feijóo, Maria del Carmen
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La diversificación de la oferta turística representa para Cuba un gran reto, teniendo en cuenta que, como parte del Caribe, su desarrollo turístico se ha basado en el producto sol y playa, generando una fuerte imagen asociada al mismo.
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el presente trabajo propone como objetivo sistematizar las concepciones fundamentales acerca del turismo y el desarrollo local en Cuba teniendo como resultado del análisis una estrecha relación entre ambos conceptos, reflejados además en los Lineamientos de la política económica y social del partido y la revolución cubana.
El resultado de esta investigación constituirá una fuente de información, de interés, utilización y aporte para posteriores investigaciones científicas referentes al tema.
The diversification of the tourist offer represents a great challenge for Cuba, taking into account that, as part of the Caribbean, its tourism development has been based on the sun and beach product, generating a strong image associated with it.Taking into account the above, the present work proposes as a goal to systematize the fundamental conceptions about tourism and local development in Cuba, having as a result of the analysis a close relationship between both concepts reflected in the Guidelines of the economic and social policy of the party and the Cuban revolution.The result of this research will be a source of information, interest, use and contribution for further scientific research on the subject.
The diversification of the tourist offer represents a great challenge for Cuba, taking into account that, as part of the Caribbean, its tourism development has been based on the sun and beach product, generating a strong image associated with it.Taking into account the above, the present work proposes as a goal to systematize the fundamental conceptions about tourism and local development in Cuba, having as a result of the analysis a close relationship between both concepts reflected in the Guidelines of the economic and social policy of the party and the Cuban revolution.The result of this research will be a source of information, interest, use and contribution for further scientific research on the subject.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo Local, Turismo