Título: Generación incremental de cartografía vial mediante trazas de GPS
Morales Milián, José Rafael
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un algoritmo capaz de efectuar incrementalmente la generación y actualización de cartografía de red vial, así como la obtención de información complementaria vinculada al uso, velocidad promedio y sentido de las vías, todo esto a partir de trazas GPS. El mismo es creado teniendo en cuenta una serie de casos, situaciones y requisitos previamente identificados y analizados, que arrojan como resultado un algoritmo sencillo pero funcional donde se obtiene, con toda seguridad, una representación cartográfica e información adicional sin dudas confiable.
In this work is developed an algorithm capable of performing generation and updating of road maps incrementally, as well as obtaining additional information related to use, average speed and direction of the tracks, all from GPS traces. The algorithm is developed taking into account a number of cases, situations and requirements previously identified and analyzed, which resulted in a simple but functional algorithm which obtains a mapping and additional information undoubtedly reliable.
In this work is developed an algorithm capable of performing generation and updating of road maps incrementally, as well as obtaining additional information related to use, average speed and direction of the tracks, all from GPS traces. The algorithm is developed taking into account a number of cases, situations and requirements previously identified and analyzed, which resulted in a simple but functional algorithm which obtains a mapping and additional information undoubtedly reliable.
Palabras clave
Sistemas de Posicionamiento Globales (GPS), Algoritmos, Cartografía Vial, Computación Gráfica