El análisis del discurso desde la perspectiva de la autoría de la palabra y el pensamiento. Estudio de caso
Soto Solís, Zaida Zuzel
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Esta investigación tiene como centro analizar el discurso de adolescentes mediante la producción de textos escritos en el entorno escolar a partir de un estudio de caso. Tomando como punto de partida las posibilidades epistemológicas que brinda el análisis del discurso, se analiza la autoría de la palabra y el pensamiento, que resulta en proceso donde la comunicación humana se convierte en imprescindible para esta-blecer una configuración de la subjetividad y de la identidad individual y social. Así, el texto está en función de construir un discurso que cons-tituye muestra de una individualidad, que a su vez se construye inserta en una colectividad. Se construye de este modo la autoría de la palabra y el pensamiento al escuchar la voz del otro valorando su realidad y su cultura, cuando debate y reflexiona sobre su mundo y lo que lo integra.
This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of adolescents through the production of written texts in the school environment based on a case study. Taking as a starting point the epistemological possibilities offered by discourse analysis, the authorship of word and thought is analyzed, resulting in a process where human communication becomes essential to establish a configuration of subjectivity and individual and social identity. Thus, the text is oriented to the construction of a discourse that constitutes a sample of individuality, which, in turn, is constructed through its insertion in a collectivity. In this way, the authorship of the word and thought is constructed by listening to the voice of the other, valuing his or her reality and culture, when debating and reflecting on his or her world and what makes it up.
This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of adolescents through the production of written texts in the school environment based on a case study. Taking as a starting point the epistemological possibilities offered by discourse analysis, the authorship of word and thought is analyzed, resulting in a process where human communication becomes essential to establish a configuration of subjectivity and individual and social identity. Thus, the text is oriented to the construction of a discourse that constitutes a sample of individuality, which, in turn, is constructed through its insertion in a collectivity. In this way, the authorship of the word and thought is constructed by listening to the voice of the other, valuing his or her reality and culture, when debating and reflecting on his or her world and what makes it up.
Palabras clave
Análisis del Discurso, Autoría de la Palabra y el Pensamiento, Discurso de Adolescentes, Producción de Textos Escritos, Discourse Analysis, Word and Thought Authorship, Adolescent Discourse, Production of Written Texts