Análisis de la organización del trabajo en el área mantenimiento de la empresa cervecería Antonio Díaz Santana "Manacas"
Barreto Vázquez, Elisabet
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
La presente investigación se realizó en la Empresa Cervecería Antonio Díaz Santana "Manacas" con el objetivo de realizar un estudio de la organización del trabajo en el área de mantenimiento que contribuya a mejorar el aprovechamiento de la jornada laboral e incrementar el índice de productividad. Se aplicaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y matemático que reafirman la cientificidad de la investigación, usando técnicas de medición actuales tales como el balance de carga y capacidad, el análisis de documentos y registros, diagramas de flujo, y el diagrama causa-efecto, y la técnica de observación continua a través de la fotografía de la jornada laboral y la autobservación que corroboran los resultados obtenidos y ponen de manifiesto que la organización del trabajo en el área de mantenimiento es deficiente y que en el taller de embotellado el mal aprovechamiento de la jornada laboral genera incumplimientos en lo que respecta al plan de producción; como resultado principal se realiza un plan de medidas encaminado a eliminar las causas que impiden la norma de rendimiento que deberían realizar. La novedad e importancia de la aplicación de la propuesta de mejoras es expresada en la imperante necesidad que tiene la empresa de lograr el cumplimiento, con eficiencia, eficacia y productividad, de los planes de producción.
This research was carried out at the Antonio Diaz Santana "Manacas" Brewery Company with the aim of carrying out a study of the organization of work in the maintenance area that contributes to improving the use of the working day and increasing the productivity index. Methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level were applied that reaffirm the scientificity of the research, using current measurement techniques such as load and capacity balance, document and record analysis, flow diagrams, and the cause-effect diagram. and the continuous observation technique through photography of the working day and self-observation that corroborate the results obtained and show that the organization of work in the maintenance area is deficient and that in the bottling workshop the misuse of the working day generates non-compliance with regard to the production plan; As a main result, a plan of measures is carried out aimed at eliminating the causes that impede the performance standard that they should carry out. The novelty and importance of the application of the improvement proposal is expressed in the prevailing need that the company has to achieve compliance, with efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, of the production plans.
This research was carried out at the Antonio Diaz Santana "Manacas" Brewery Company with the aim of carrying out a study of the organization of work in the maintenance area that contributes to improving the use of the working day and increasing the productivity index. Methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level were applied that reaffirm the scientificity of the research, using current measurement techniques such as load and capacity balance, document and record analysis, flow diagrams, and the cause-effect diagram. and the continuous observation technique through photography of the working day and self-observation that corroborate the results obtained and show that the organization of work in the maintenance area is deficient and that in the bottling workshop the misuse of the working day generates non-compliance with regard to the production plan; As a main result, a plan of measures is carried out aimed at eliminating the causes that impede the performance standard that they should carry out. The novelty and importance of the application of the improvement proposal is expressed in the prevailing need that the company has to achieve compliance, with efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, of the production plans.
Palabras clave
Empresa Cervecería Antonio Díaz Santana, Organización y Administración, Mantenimiento, Optimización de Procesos