Análisis de escenarios y estrategia de actuación para el destino turístico Cayos de Villa Clara
Diaz Nuñez, Hailon
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La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible del Destino Turístico Cayos de Villa Clara debido a la no existencia de un análisis de estrategia y escenario actual del destino, en función de ello la investigación llevada a cabo tiene como objetivo diseñar una estrategia de actuación que permita contribuir con el desarrollo sostenible del destino en cuestión a partir de los resultados derivados de un análisis descriptivo y la definición de objetivos de desarrollo. Se identifican como principales resultados el aporte de un diagnóstico detallado de la situación actual del destino turístico en cuestión con su correspondiente análisis descriptivo, la definición de objetivos de desarrollo y dinamización turística para este destino, y la definición de una estrategia de actuación teniendo en cuenta los objetivos establecidos, todo ello permitió identificar las amplias posibilidades para el desarrollo y la inversión turística planificada aún en fase de desarrollo y las condiciones para ingresar divisas frescas a la plataforma financiera del país, la capacidad potencial para la realización de eventos que no se aprovecha hoy eficientemente. Las líneas estratégicas de actuación definidas para el destino “Cayos de Villa Clara” (2019 – 2023), constituyen una herramienta orientadora que puede ser de gran valor para la gestión integrada del desarrollo turístico sostenible de este destino turístico.
This research was carried out with the aim of contribute to the sustainable development of Villa Clara Keys destiny mainly due to the inexistence of a right strategy analysis and stage at the present in the destiny. In order to accomplish that the research carried out has as a main goal to design an strategy for acting that allow contribute to the sustainable development of the destiny based on the results obtained from a descriptive analysis and the definition of development guidelines. Can be identifiable as main results the contribution for a right and detailed diagnosis of the situation at the present in the destiny, with the necessary descriptive analysis, the definition of development goals and touristic development for destiny,, the definition of a strategy for acting taking notice from the objectives established previously, all that allowed identify the high possibilities for the development and touristic investment planned still in development stage, besides the possibilities for good financial results. Is important to say that is not taken advantage from the possibilities for events. The strategic guide lines for Villa Clara Keys destiny (2019-2023) is a guide tool that can get great value for the integrated management of this destiny in a sustainable way.
This research was carried out with the aim of contribute to the sustainable development of Villa Clara Keys destiny mainly due to the inexistence of a right strategy analysis and stage at the present in the destiny. In order to accomplish that the research carried out has as a main goal to design an strategy for acting that allow contribute to the sustainable development of the destiny based on the results obtained from a descriptive analysis and the definition of development guidelines. Can be identifiable as main results the contribution for a right and detailed diagnosis of the situation at the present in the destiny, with the necessary descriptive analysis, the definition of development goals and touristic development for destiny,, the definition of a strategy for acting taking notice from the objectives established previously, all that allowed identify the high possibilities for the development and touristic investment planned still in development stage, besides the possibilities for good financial results. Is important to say that is not taken advantage from the possibilities for events. The strategic guide lines for Villa Clara Keys destiny (2019-2023) is a guide tool that can get great value for the integrated management of this destiny in a sustainable way.
Palabras clave
Turismo, Inversión, Sostenibilidad
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