Proyecto de Redimensionamiento del Plan de Animación Turística del Hotel Ancón.
Del Rio Espinosa, Yodeny
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La programación recreativa en las instalaciones hoteleras resulta siempre de gran
importancia en el marco del proceso de planificación y gestión, por cuanto el cliente
participa en actividades de ocio y esparcimiento para un mejor aprovechamiento de su
tiempo libre. Por tal motivo resulta necesario proceder a la planificación de la animación de
forma tal que las actividades que como parte de este proceso resulten, se ajusten o
correspondan lo más fielmente posible al perfil demográfico y psicográfico de la demanda,
como garantía de una mayor participación y satisfacción de las necesidades y
expectativas de la misma. El presente trabajo se proyecta en función del
redimensionamiento del Plan de Animación vigente en el Hotel Ancón de Trinidad, con el
objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de actividades recreativas acordes a las características
particulares del público objetivo que acude a la instalación. Con vistas al cumplimiento del
propósito propuesto, la investigación se estructura a partir de tres capítulos, realizándose
como parte de los mismos un análisis bibliográfico acerca de la actividad de animación
turística dentro del sector hotelero, el diagnóstico del área encargada de corresponder a
las necesidades recreativas de los clientes en el Hotel Ancón, así como la propuesta en sí
de un proyecto de redimensionamiento del Plan de Animación de dicha instalación de
alojamiento turístico. Para el diseño del plan mencionado se hace uso de un procedimiento
diseñado en el año 2002 por profesores del Centro de Estudios de Dirección Empresarial
de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas.
The recreation program in the hotel facility takes a great importance in the process of planning and management for the customer’s participation in the entertainment activities and a better enjoyment of their leisure time. For that reason it is necessary the planning of the animation activities in a way that the process include a special study of the clients and correspond with the intercultural characteristics of the tourists visiting the hotel as a guarantee of including and participation, enjoyment and satisfaction with them. The present Diploma intends to arrange the functioning of the animation plan existing in the Ancon hotel, Trinidad. The objective is to contribute to the development of recreation activities according to the characteristics of tourists visiting the hotel. To fulfill the aims of this investigation, the paper takes three chapters as a structure. One for the theoretical aspects of tourist animation in the hotel industry, a second part for the diagnosis of the area which is responsible for the recreation of tourists there and as a third part an arrangement project of the animation plan taking place at present in that facility. For the arrangement of the plan it is necessary to take a procedure designed in 2002 by the researchers of the Enterprise Direction Center in the Central University.
The recreation program in the hotel facility takes a great importance in the process of planning and management for the customer’s participation in the entertainment activities and a better enjoyment of their leisure time. For that reason it is necessary the planning of the animation activities in a way that the process include a special study of the clients and correspond with the intercultural characteristics of the tourists visiting the hotel as a guarantee of including and participation, enjoyment and satisfaction with them. The present Diploma intends to arrange the functioning of the animation plan existing in the Ancon hotel, Trinidad. The objective is to contribute to the development of recreation activities according to the characteristics of tourists visiting the hotel. To fulfill the aims of this investigation, the paper takes three chapters as a structure. One for the theoretical aspects of tourist animation in the hotel industry, a second part for the diagnosis of the area which is responsible for the recreation of tourists there and as a third part an arrangement project of the animation plan taking place at present in that facility. For the arrangement of the plan it is necessary to take a procedure designed in 2002 by the researchers of the Enterprise Direction Center in the Central University.
Palabras clave
Animación Turística, Hotel Ancón Sancti Spíritus