Solución al problema de la cardinalidad en la generación automática de reglas de negocio en bases de datos relacionales
Pereira Toledo, Alain
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
Las reglas gobiernan la vida, y en la vida contemporánea ejercen una influencia aún más especial. Las reglas son ahora la clave para cualquier negocio, término que deberá comprenderse más allá de su significado estrecho. Para la comunidad que lo entiende, la palabra clave sigue siendo reglas de negocio.
El contexto que ocupa esta investigación sí que está muy relacionado con las reglas de negocio. Un proyecto del Departamento de Bases de Datos de la UCLV desarrolla un proyecto de administración de reglas de negocio para trasplante renal. Parte de él es la Aplicación para reglas de restricción en negocios, un editor y generador automático de restricciones hacia el SQL.
La primera versión era incapaz de transformar restricciones con cualquier cardinalidad en sus interrelaciones constituyentes y, en especial, aquellas que contienen interrelaciones muchos a muchos. Se decidió entonces proponer una implementación que superara los límites encontrados.
Se supuso que el catálogo de la base de datos sería la fuente de información suficiente para generar la regla en la tabla adecuada, y que la comunicación entre dicho recurso y la Aplicación podría implementarse con recursos ADO y procedimientos almacenados del sistema. Luego, se diseñó un método para, en base a la información del catálogo, transformar restricciones con cardinalidades muchos a muchos y generarlas en las tablas adecuadas.
Las modificaciones implementadas validaron al método de resolución que, junto a la obtención de información a partir del catálogo, lograron transformar el subconjunto de restricciones ignoradas.
Life is ruled by rules, and they have a great influence in modern life. Rules are the key for every business nowadays, and it is a term that should be understood in a more open manner. For a community that understands it, the key word still being business rules. Context of this investigation is extremely related with the topic of business rules. A project for business rule management of a renal transplant system is being developed by Database Department of UCLV. An Application for Constraint Business Rules, an editor and an automatic generator of SQL constraints, is part of it. First version was unable of transforming a constraint with any cardinality between constitutive terms, specially, a many to many relationship. Therefore, it was necessary an implementation that could brake limitations. Database catalogue was a good candidate as a source of information for generating business rules on the right table. Also, it was suggested stored system procedures and ADO resources as a communication bridge between catalogue and Application. Then, it was designed a method for transforming constraints with many to many relationships and generating them on the right table, based on the catalogue information. Implemented modifications validated the solving method. They both, method and new way of getting information, could transform the ignored rules.
Life is ruled by rules, and they have a great influence in modern life. Rules are the key for every business nowadays, and it is a term that should be understood in a more open manner. For a community that understands it, the key word still being business rules. Context of this investigation is extremely related with the topic of business rules. A project for business rule management of a renal transplant system is being developed by Database Department of UCLV. An Application for Constraint Business Rules, an editor and an automatic generator of SQL constraints, is part of it. First version was unable of transforming a constraint with any cardinality between constitutive terms, specially, a many to many relationship. Therefore, it was necessary an implementation that could brake limitations. Database catalogue was a good candidate as a source of information for generating business rules on the right table. Also, it was suggested stored system procedures and ADO resources as a communication bridge between catalogue and Application. Then, it was designed a method for transforming constraints with many to many relationships and generating them on the right table, based on the catalogue information. Implemented modifications validated the solving method. They both, method and new way of getting information, could transform the ignored rules.
Palabras clave
Solución, Problema de la Cardinalidad, Reglas de Negocio, Generación Automática, Reglas de Restricción, Base de Datos, Trasplante Renal