Incremento de la producción de Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Aegean en cultivo protegido mediante alternativa de manejo del riego
Mesa Rodríguez, Rolando
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola
En el cultivo protegido de hortalizas, el riego es una de las actividades agrotécnicas
más importantes. Sin embargo, no se alcanzan rendimientos esperados en el cultivo
protegido de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) con los programas de riego que
tradicionales que se aplican. El objetivo de este trabajo fue proponer una alternativa
de manejo del riego que permita el incremento de la producción de S. lycopersicum cv.
Aegean en cultivo protegido. Se diseñaron dos programas de riego para el cultivo
protegido de S. lycopersicum cv. Aegean, se determinó el efecto de dos programas de
riego sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento agrícola de S. lycopersicum cv.
Aegean y se realizó una valoración técnica y económica del impacto de la aplicación
de los programas de riego. Los resultados demostraron que la aplicación de un
programa de riego (programa 2) con estimación de la evapotranspiración, frecuencia
diaria, el tiempo de riego fraccionado en turnos de 10 minutos según la fase fenológica,
monitoreo de la conductividad eléctrica (en la solución nutritiva y la solución lixiviada)
y de la fracción de lavado para corregir posibles desviaciones produjo incrementos en
los rendimientos. Con este programa se alcanzaron 190,7t/ha, ingresos de 73 386,30
CUC, ganancias de 51 733,17 CUC, superiores en 11 211, 20 CUC a las obtenidas
con el programa tradicional. Atendiendo a los resultados se propone el manejo del
riego en el cultivar Aegean en cultivo protegido con el programa 2.
In the horticultural protected crop, irrigation is one of the most important agro-technical activities. However, expected yields are not achieved in the protected tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicumL.) with traditional irrigation programs that are applied. The objective of this work was to propose an irrigation management alternative that allows an increase in the production of S. lycopersicumcv. Aegean in protected culture. Two irrigation programs were designed for the protected culture of S. lycopersicumcv. Aegean, the effect of two irrigation programs on the growth, development and agricultural yield was determined and a technical and economic assessment of the impact of the application of the irrigation programs was analysed. The results showed that the application of an irrigation program (program 2) with evapotranspiration estimation, daily frequency, fractionated irrigation time in 10-minute shifts according to the phenological stage, monitoring of electrical conductivity (in the nutrient solution and in the leached solution) and the leaching fraction to correct possible deviations produced increases in yields. With this program, 190.7t / ha was achieved, incomes of 73,386.30 CUC, profits of 51,733.17 CUC, higher in 11,291, 20 CUC than those obtained with the traditional program. Attending to the results, the irrigation management for the Aegean cultivar in protected culture with program 2 is proposed.
In the horticultural protected crop, irrigation is one of the most important agro-technical activities. However, expected yields are not achieved in the protected tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicumL.) with traditional irrigation programs that are applied. The objective of this work was to propose an irrigation management alternative that allows an increase in the production of S. lycopersicumcv. Aegean in protected culture. Two irrigation programs were designed for the protected culture of S. lycopersicumcv. Aegean, the effect of two irrigation programs on the growth, development and agricultural yield was determined and a technical and economic assessment of the impact of the application of the irrigation programs was analysed. The results showed that the application of an irrigation program (program 2) with evapotranspiration estimation, daily frequency, fractionated irrigation time in 10-minute shifts according to the phenological stage, monitoring of electrical conductivity (in the nutrient solution and in the leached solution) and the leaching fraction to correct possible deviations produced increases in yields. With this program, 190.7t / ha was achieved, incomes of 73,386.30 CUC, profits of 51,733.17 CUC, higher in 11,291, 20 CUC than those obtained with the traditional program. Attending to the results, the irrigation management for the Aegean cultivar in protected culture with program 2 is proposed.
Palabras clave
Cultivo Protegido, Hortalizas, Riego, Tomate