Proyecto de Complejo Recreativo Cultural en Parque de ferias MACUM de Sagua la Grande
Pérez Medina, Roberto Ariel
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
El presente Trabajo de Diploma plantea como objetivo crear una propuesta de ideas de diseño
para la reanimación del Parque de Ferias MACUM de Sagua la Grande, transformando así su
uso en un Centro Cultural Recreativo con múltiples propuestas para el disfrute y esparcimiento
de sus visitantes, además de mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad.
Se aplicó como principio fundamental integrar la nueva propuesta al contexto natural existente
en función de las tradiciones ganaderas para potenciar el desarrollo local del municipio,
mostrando siempre un diseño con la identidad propia del complejo, contemporánea,
sustentable y económica para la situación actual que vive el país.
La propuesta se basa en la elaboración de un marco teórico donde se analizan los conceptos
relacionados con el tema, el estudio de los antecedentes de la actividad ferial en el mundo y
en nuestro país, revisión de los lineamientos y la ley sobre el proceso inversionista y el análisis
de ejemplos nacionales e internacionales relacionados con el tema.
En un segundo momento se estudian aspectos generales sobre el municipio y la localidad,
así como el contexto inmediato al sitio de estudio, la historia del local y sus antecedentes
llegando hasta el estado actual de la instalación, para posteriormente dar base a la tarea
técnica con las premisas de diseño y líneas de deseo para el estudio por subsistemas de la
zonificación general dada como propuesta.
De todo el estudio antes planteado resultan los criterios de diseño determinados que dan
solución a la propuesta de plan general con la conformación de los espacios del complejo que
mezclan tradición con contemporaneidad, sobre la cual se realiza la propuesta final con la
solución de imaginarios.
La ejecución de este trabajo se revierte en beneficios para la ciudad y sus visitantes, pues la
solución obtenida es un contenedor de actividades donde las personas puedan interactuar,
recrearse y aprender dando solución a las problemáticas para la recuperación de un espacio
público para la comunidad, para fortalecer la economía local mediante el mercado, fomentar
la cultura y promover la cohesión social.
El estudio de este trabajo por el gobierno municipal y la empresa MACUM puede ser de gran
beneficio al contar con un espacio donde las actividades conjuntas que se proponen lo
convierten en atracción para una gran cantidad de público.
The present Diploma Thesis aims to create a proposal of design ideas for the resuscitation of the MACUM Fair Park of Sagua la Grande, transforming its use into a Recreational Cultural Center with multiple proposals for the enjoyment and recreation of its visitors. to improve the quality of life of the community. It was applied as a fundamental principle to integrate the new proposal into the existing natural context based on livestock traditions to enhance the local development of the municipality, always showing a design with the complex's own identity, contemporary, sustainable and economical for the current situation experienced by the country. The proposal is based on the elaboration of a theoretical framework where the concepts related to the subject are analyzed, the study of the antecedents of the fair activity in the world and in our country, revision of the guidelines and the law on the investment process and the analysis of national and international examples related to the subject. In a second moment, general aspects of the municipality and the town are studied, as well as the immediate context of the study site, the history of the premises and its antecedents, reaching the current state of the installation, to later give a basis to the technical task with the premises of design and lines of desire for the study by subsystems of the general zoning given as a proposal. From all the aforementioned study result the determined design criteria that give solution to the proposal of general plan with the conformation of the spaces of the complex that mix tradition with contemporaneity, on which the final proposal is made with the solution of imaginaries. The execution of this work is reverted to benefits for the city and its visitors, because the solution obtained is a container of activities where people can interact, recreate and learn by solving the problems for the recovery of a public space for the community, to strengthen the local economy through the market, promote culture and promote social cohesion. The study of this work by the municipal government and the MACUM company can be of great benefit by having a space where joint activities that are proposed make it an attraction for a large number of people.
The present Diploma Thesis aims to create a proposal of design ideas for the resuscitation of the MACUM Fair Park of Sagua la Grande, transforming its use into a Recreational Cultural Center with multiple proposals for the enjoyment and recreation of its visitors. to improve the quality of life of the community. It was applied as a fundamental principle to integrate the new proposal into the existing natural context based on livestock traditions to enhance the local development of the municipality, always showing a design with the complex's own identity, contemporary, sustainable and economical for the current situation experienced by the country. The proposal is based on the elaboration of a theoretical framework where the concepts related to the subject are analyzed, the study of the antecedents of the fair activity in the world and in our country, revision of the guidelines and the law on the investment process and the analysis of national and international examples related to the subject. In a second moment, general aspects of the municipality and the town are studied, as well as the immediate context of the study site, the history of the premises and its antecedents, reaching the current state of the installation, to later give a basis to the technical task with the premises of design and lines of desire for the study by subsystems of the general zoning given as a proposal. From all the aforementioned study result the determined design criteria that give solution to the proposal of general plan with the conformation of the spaces of the complex that mix tradition with contemporaneity, on which the final proposal is made with the solution of imaginaries. The execution of this work is reverted to benefits for the city and its visitors, because the solution obtained is a container of activities where people can interact, recreate and learn by solving the problems for the recovery of a public space for the community, to strengthen the local economy through the market, promote culture and promote social cohesion. The study of this work by the municipal government and the MACUM company can be of great benefit by having a space where joint activities that are proposed make it an attraction for a large number of people.
Palabras clave
Feria, MACUM, Desarrollo local, Centro cultural, Fair, Local development, Cultural center