Talleres para la participación de los jóvenes en el proceso creativo de las carrozas en la parranda de Zulueta
Crespo Betancourt, Leandro
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Artística.
La presente investigación se centra en la importancia que se le otorga hoy en día a la
cultura popular tradicional y la perdurabilidad de estas tradiciones, específicamente la
parranda de Zulueta como tradición popular de la localidad y los problemas que
actualmente la afectan. Propone un sistema de talleres de apreciación y creación que
tienen como objetivo propiciar la participación de los jóvenes en los procesos creativos
de la carroza, para de esta manera revitalizar la parranda como tradición cultural
actualmente en decadencia.
En la investigación se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, como el Histórico-Lógico,
Analítico-Sintético y el Inductivo-Deductivo. Del nivel empírico se emplearon el Análisis
de Documentos, la Observación, la Entrevista y la Encuesta, unido a ello se hizo uso
del método matemático, realizándose el cálculo porcentual.
The present research is focused specifically in the importance that is granted today to the traditional popular culture and the longevity of these traditions, focusing in the carnivals of Zulueta like popular tradition of the town and the problems that at the moment affect it. It proposes a system of appreciation and creation workshops that have as objective to propitiate the participation of young people in the creative processes of the carnivals and this way to revitalize this cultural tradition in decadence at the moment. In the research, methods of the theoretical level were used, as the historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and the inductive-deductive one. At the empirical level, the document analysis, the observation, the interview and the survey were used. Besides, mathematical methods were employed, like the percentage analysis.
The present research is focused specifically in the importance that is granted today to the traditional popular culture and the longevity of these traditions, focusing in the carnivals of Zulueta like popular tradition of the town and the problems that at the moment affect it. It proposes a system of appreciation and creation workshops that have as objective to propitiate the participation of young people in the creative processes of the carnivals and this way to revitalize this cultural tradition in decadence at the moment. In the research, methods of the theoretical level were used, as the historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and the inductive-deductive one. At the empirical level, the document analysis, the observation, the interview and the survey were used. Besides, mathematical methods were employed, like the percentage analysis.
Palabras clave
Educación, Taller Educativo, Artes Escénicas