Diagnóstico de comunicación organizacional en la Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad Patrimonial San Juan de los Remedios
Iznaga Fernández, Lelys Maria
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
La conservación del patrimonio, constituye una de las principales preocupaciones del estado cubano. En este sentido, ha creado una Red de Oficinas del Historiador y el Conservador de la Ciudad, en las que se propicia la adecuada gestión de la comunicación, como vía para contribuir a este objetivo. El presente estudio se realizó en la Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad Patrimonial de San Juan de los Remedios. Su objetivo general responde a diagnosticar la comunicación organizacional en esta institución. La perspectiva o alternativa metodológica seleccionada para la recolección de información es la cualitativa, usando como método la etnografía. Los principales instrumentos empleados fueron el análisis de documentos, la observación, la entrevista y el cuestionario. Como principal resultado se obtuvo que en la Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad Patrimonial San Juan de los Remedios, a pesar de la existencia de un Departamento de comunicación organizacional, no se realiza ningún proceder que tribute a su gestión. Su ejercicio no está guiado por documentos oficiales que pauten la forma en que se han de desarrollar sus procesos, cayendo en la improvisación y espontaneidad. Esta investigación es una contribución para abordar la comunicación en función del mejoramiento y optimización de la comunicación organizacional en la Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad Patrimonial San Juan de los Remedios.
The conservation of the patrimony, one of the main concerns of the Cuban state constitutes. In this sense, it has created a Net of Offices of the Historian and the Conservative of the City, in those that the appropriate management of the communication is propitiated, as via to contribute to this objective. The present study was carried out in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City of San Juan de los Remedios. Their general objective responds to diagnose the organizational communication in this institution. The perspective or methodological alternative selected for the gathering of information are the qualitative one, using as method the ethnography. The used main instruments were the analysis of documents, the observation, the interview and the questionnaire. As main result it was obtained that in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City San Juan de los Remedios, in spite of the existence of a Department of organizational communication, is not carried out any to proceed that it pays to his management. Their exercise is not guided by official documents that average the form in that they must develop you its processes, falling in the improvisation and spontaneity. This investigation is a contribution to approach the communication in function of the improvement and optimization of the organizational communication in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City San Juan de los Remedios.
The conservation of the patrimony, one of the main concerns of the Cuban state constitutes. In this sense, it has created a Net of Offices of the Historian and the Conservative of the City, in those that the appropriate management of the communication is propitiated, as via to contribute to this objective. The present study was carried out in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City of San Juan de los Remedios. Their general objective responds to diagnose the organizational communication in this institution. The perspective or methodological alternative selected for the gathering of information are the qualitative one, using as method the ethnography. The used main instruments were the analysis of documents, the observation, the interview and the questionnaire. As main result it was obtained that in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City San Juan de los Remedios, in spite of the existence of a Department of organizational communication, is not carried out any to proceed that it pays to his management. Their exercise is not guided by official documents that average the form in that they must develop you its processes, falling in the improvisation and spontaneity. This investigation is a contribution to approach the communication in function of the improvement and optimization of the organizational communication in the Office of the Conservative of the Patrimonial City San Juan de los Remedios.
Palabras clave
Comunicación, Comunicación Organizacional, Diagnóstico de Comunicación, Communication, Organizational Communication, Diagnosis of Organizational Communication