El infoentretenimiento en el programa televisivo Vivir del Cuento
Jiménez Sevilla, Taylin de la Caridad
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Periodismo
La investigación “El infoentretenimiento en el programa televisivo Vivir del Cuento” se concibió como un estudio de mensaje articulado desde la perspectiva cualitativa, en su variante comunicológica. Como objetivo general se propuso caracterizar las particularidades del infoentretenimiento presentes en el programa Vivir del Cuento durante el año 2021. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfico-documental de las categorías infoentretenimiento, comedia de situación y estructuras dramáticas y sus correspondientes subcategorías. A través de los métodos Bibliográfico-Documental y Análisis de Contenido Cualitativo y la entrevista en profundidad y semi-estructurada como principales técnicas, se caracterizó el reflejo del contexto cubano en las temáticas del programa Vivir del Cuento y se identificaron los elementos de la comedia de situación presentes en el mismo. Como principal resultado de esta investigación se logró identificar los elementos de infoentretenimiento presentes en Vivir del Cuento, así como los rasgos típicos de la comedia de situación puestas en función de las estructuras dramáticas propias del programa. Pudo concluirse que Vivir del Cuento responde a características propias del infoentretenimiento, determinadas por la utilización de situaciones contextuales afines a temas sociales de la realidad cubana y el tratamiento a temáticas de interés popular, partiendo de la veracidad para crear un programa de ficción.
The research “Infotainment in the television program Vivir del Cuento” was conceived as a study of messages articulated from a qualitative perspective, in its communicological variant. The general objective was to characterize the particularities of infotainment present in the program Vivir del Cuento during the year 2021. For this purpose, it was carried out a bibliographic-documentary review of the categories infotainment, situation comedy and dramatic structures, and their corresponding subcategories. Through the Bibliographic-Documentary and Qualitative Content Analysis methods and the in-depth and semi-structured interview as main techniques, it was characterized the reflection of the Cuban context in the topics of the program "Vivir del Cuento" and the elements of situation comedy present in it were identified. As a main result of this research, it was possible to identify the infotainment elements present in "Vivir del Cuento", as well as the typical features of the situation comedy, as a function of the program's own dramatic structures. It was concluded that Vivir del Cuento responds to the characteristics of infotainment, determined by the use of contextual situations related to social issues of the Cuban reality and the usage of topics of popular interest, using veracity to create a fictional program.
The research “Infotainment in the television program Vivir del Cuento” was conceived as a study of messages articulated from a qualitative perspective, in its communicological variant. The general objective was to characterize the particularities of infotainment present in the program Vivir del Cuento during the year 2021. For this purpose, it was carried out a bibliographic-documentary review of the categories infotainment, situation comedy and dramatic structures, and their corresponding subcategories. Through the Bibliographic-Documentary and Qualitative Content Analysis methods and the in-depth and semi-structured interview as main techniques, it was characterized the reflection of the Cuban context in the topics of the program "Vivir del Cuento" and the elements of situation comedy present in it were identified. As a main result of this research, it was possible to identify the infotainment elements present in "Vivir del Cuento", as well as the typical features of the situation comedy, as a function of the program's own dramatic structures. It was concluded that Vivir del Cuento responds to the characteristics of infotainment, determined by the use of contextual situations related to social issues of the Cuban reality and the usage of topics of popular interest, using veracity to create a fictional program.
Palabras clave
Infoentretenimiento, Comedia de Situación, Vivir del Cuento, Estructuras Dramáticas, Contexto, Sátira, Dramaturgia, Infotainment, Situation Comedy, Dramatic Structures, Context, Satire, Dramaturgy