Indicadores para el Diagnóstico Integral de la situación del Hábitat a Nivel Local
Rodríguez Torres, Arsenio
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer los Indicadores multidimensionales esenciales para diagnosticar, proyectar y monitorear la situación
habitacional de una municipalidad cubana a partir de los paradigmas de la experiencia
latinoamericana e internacional.
Inicialmente se establecen, a partir del análisis crítico de la experiencia internacional
y de la síntesis de los resultados de dicho análisis, las bases conceptuales para
la elaboración de sistemas de indicadores aptos para el monitoreo de la situación
del hábitat en el contexto de la municipalidad cubana, así como para su modificación
y actualización. A través de la consulta, selección y análisis crítico de ejemplos procedentes de fuentes institucionales internacionales y fundamentalmente latinoamericanas, se establece una propuesta de indicadores enfocada en su empleo por las autoridades locales, como herramienta para realizar un primer acercamiento a la situación del hábitat a nivel municipal o de asentamiento. Esta propuesta, luego de ser sometida al criterio de expertos, es reajustada, teniendo además como referencia
para ello el análisis de disponibilidad de información en las instituciones estatales,
fundamentalmente la Oficina Nacional de Estadística.
La herramienta final no es de carácter fijo, sino que puede y debe ser adaptada a
las condiciones de cada localidad o municipio.
The current investigation is focused in the elaboration of a system of multidimensional indicators, able to diagnose, project and monitoring the habitat situation on a Cuban municipality; based on the best examples of international and Latin American experience. Throughout the critical analysis of international experience, and the synthesis of the results obtained by it, this investigation establishes the conceptual bases for the elaboration of local based indicators systems, and its modification and actualization. Through consulting, selecting and critically analyzing international and Latin American institutional examples, it is established an initial proposition, mainly destined to be used by local authorities, as a way of getting a first approaching to the habitat situation, at the local scale. After being offered to discussion to local experts, the indicators were readjusted to its final version. It was made also based on the availability of information in public institutions, mainly the National Statistics Office. The final indicators system is not unalterable, it can be, and must be readjusted to local conditions when used.
The current investigation is focused in the elaboration of a system of multidimensional indicators, able to diagnose, project and monitoring the habitat situation on a Cuban municipality; based on the best examples of international and Latin American experience. Throughout the critical analysis of international experience, and the synthesis of the results obtained by it, this investigation establishes the conceptual bases for the elaboration of local based indicators systems, and its modification and actualization. Through consulting, selecting and critically analyzing international and Latin American institutional examples, it is established an initial proposition, mainly destined to be used by local authorities, as a way of getting a first approaching to the habitat situation, at the local scale. After being offered to discussion to local experts, the indicators were readjusted to its final version. It was made also based on the availability of information in public institutions, mainly the National Statistics Office. The final indicators system is not unalterable, it can be, and must be readjusted to local conditions when used.
Palabras clave
Indicadores de Diagnóstico, Hábital Local, Habitat