La formación académica en Periodismo en la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas según la percepción de estudiantes y periodistas
Sardiña Molina, Mónica de la Caridad
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Periodismo
La presente investigación caracteriza la percepción de los estudiantes de la carrera de Periodismo de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) y de los periodistas de Villa Clara sobre la formación académica en la carrera de Periodismo de este centro de estudio, durante el primer trimestre de 2020. A partir de una propuesta teórica que integra la Psicología Social Cognitiva y la Teoría de la Comunicación, se aplican los métodos bibliográfico-documental y etnográfico, propios de a perspectiva cualitativa; así como las técnicas de revisión bibliográfica, observación participante, notas de campo, encuestas, entrevistas y grupos focales.Como resultado fundamental se establece que, aunque estudiantes y periodistas reconocen la preparación teórica y humanística como fortalezas de la carrera de Periodismo de la UCLV, perciben que la formación académica aún no guarda una apropiada correlación con las demandas del campo profesional; debido a la insuficiente correspondencia entre los contenidos impartidos y las prácticas infocomunicativas, fundamentalmente, en los escenarios hipermediales. Atribuyen las deficiencias a la labor del claustro del departamento de Periodismo, a las restricciones de los planes de estudio y, en menor medida a la insuficiente colaboración de los profesionales de los medios de prensa; razones de las que se valen para eludir la responsabilidad personal de autogestionar el conocimiento.
The present research characterizes the perception of the students of the Journalism career at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV, according to itsinitials in Spanish) and the journalists of Villa Clara about the academic education in the Journalism careerof thisstudy center, during the first quarter of 2020. Basedon a theoreticalproposalthatintegrates Social CognitivePsychology and Communication Theory, bibliographic-documentary and ethnographicmethods are applied, from a qualitativeperspective; as well as bibliographicreviewtechniques, participantobservation, field notes, surveys, interviews and focusgroups. As a fundamental result, itisestablishedthat, although students and journalists recognize the theoretical and humanisticeducation as strengths of the Journalism career at the UCLV, theyperceivethatacademiceducationdoesnotyetbearanappropriatecorrelationwith the demands of the professionalfield; due to the insufficientcorrespondencebetween the content taught and info-communicationpractices, fundamentally, in hypermediascenarios. Theyattribute the deficiencies to the work of the cloister of the Journalism department, to the restrictions of the studyplans and, to a lesserextent, to the insufficientcollaboration of the media professionals; reasonsthey use to avoid personal responsibility for self-managingknowledge.
The present research characterizes the perception of the students of the Journalism career at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV, according to itsinitials in Spanish) and the journalists of Villa Clara about the academic education in the Journalism careerof thisstudy center, during the first quarter of 2020. Basedon a theoreticalproposalthatintegrates Social CognitivePsychology and Communication Theory, bibliographic-documentary and ethnographicmethods are applied, from a qualitativeperspective; as well as bibliographicreviewtechniques, participantobservation, field notes, surveys, interviews and focusgroups. As a fundamental result, itisestablishedthat, although students and journalists recognize the theoretical and humanisticeducation as strengths of the Journalism career at the UCLV, theyperceivethatacademiceducationdoesnotyetbearanappropriatecorrelationwith the demands of the professionalfield; due to the insufficientcorrespondencebetween the content taught and info-communicationpractices, fundamentally, in hypermediascenarios. Theyattribute the deficiencies to the work of the cloister of the Journalism department, to the restrictions of the studyplans and, to a lesserextent, to the insufficientcollaboration of the media professionals; reasonsthey use to avoid personal responsibility for self-managingknowledge.
Palabras clave
Formación Académica, Periodismo, Licenciatura en Periodismo