Una aproximación al proceso de perfeccionamiento de la educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible en la educación especial
Llopiz Guerra, Karel
Bosh Soler, Damaris
Álvarez Horta, Isabel
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La Educación Ambiental para el Desarrollo Sostenible contribuye a la formación de los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes con necesidades educativas especiales y el objetivo del trabajo que se presenta se orienta hacia una aproximación al proceso de perfecciona miento de la Educación Ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible en el subsistema de Educación Especial, los retos y perspectivas que deberá enfrentar el personal docente para sistematizar conocimientos dentro de su desempeño en el currículo, en las actividades extradocentes y extraescolares, a partir del reconocimiento, adaptación y cuidado del medio ambiente, contribuya a preparar a los alumnos en su formación laboral, inclusión social y la vida adulta e independiente
The Environmental Education for Sustainable Development contributes to the formation of children and young people with special educational needs and the work presente daimed to and approximation to the process of improvement of Environmental Education for sustainable development in the subsystem of Special Education, the challenges and perspectives that teachers must face al education professionals to incorporate this knowledge into their performance in the curriculum and in extracurricular activities where the recognition, adaptation and environmental care, will help to prepare the students for their job training, social inclusion and independent adult life
The Environmental Education for Sustainable Development contributes to the formation of children and young people with special educational needs and the work presente daimed to and approximation to the process of improvement of Environmental Education for sustainable development in the subsystem of Special Education, the challenges and perspectives that teachers must face al education professionals to incorporate this knowledge into their performance in the curriculum and in extracurricular activities where the recognition, adaptation and environmental care, will help to prepare the students for their job training, social inclusion and independent adult life
Palabras clave
Educación Ambiental, Educación Especial, Inclusión Social, Enseñanza y Aprendizaje, Environmental Education, Special Education, Perfeccionamiento Educacional