Procedimiento para la gestión del proceso de inventario en la Universidad de Cienfuegos
Cepero Valladares, Dayana
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
El presente trabajo se desarrolló en la Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez“, con el objetivo de validar un procedimiento para la Gestión por Procesos que contribuya a la mejora continua del proceso de inventario y que garantice un adecuado servicio al cliente. Para la elaboración de la investigación se utilizaron técnicas y herramientas útiles en la recopilación de información tales como: trabajo de grupo, entrevista, encuestas, criterio de los expertos en el tema, entre otros. Además se utilizaron otras herramientas propias de la gestión: diagrama SIPOC, diagrama de flujo, diagrama Pareto, matriz Causa – Efecto, FMEA y la técnica de las 5(W) y 1(H). Para el procesamiento y análisis de la información se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS 15.0.Se analizó el proceso de inventario en la Universidad de Cienfuegos, detectándose la existencia de dificultades que impiden el adecuado desempeño del mismo, lo cual limita el cumplimiento de las estrategias y metas del Área de Resultado Clave con que está relacionado. Se proponen además, medidas que contribuyen a erradicar estas deficiencias, así como se diseña una propuesta de indicadores que permitan detectar y corregir las desviaciones del proceso de forma que sus resultados contribuyan al alineamiento estratégico.
The present work was developed at "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez” University, located in Cienfuegos city with the aim to validate a functional inventorial process which allows the entity or enterprise to guaranty and accomplish an effective service to its clients. Some useful techniques and tools in the summary of information were used for the elaboration of the present research, for example: group work, interviews, surveys, and experts’ approach in the topic, among others. Besides, other administration tools were also used, such as: diagram SIPOC, diagram of flow, diagram Pareto, womb causes - effect, FMEA and the technique of 5(W o'clock) and 1(H). For the processing and analysis of the information the statistical software SPSS 15.0 was used. The inventory process was analyzed in the University of Cienfuegos, being detected the existence of difficulties that impede the appropriate acting of the same one, which limits the execution of the strategies and goals of the Area of Key Result with which it is related. They also intend, measures that contribute to eradicate these deficiencies, as well as a proposal of indicators is designed that allow detecting and to correct the deviations of the process in order to its results contribute to the strategic alignment.
The present work was developed at "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez” University, located in Cienfuegos city with the aim to validate a functional inventorial process which allows the entity or enterprise to guaranty and accomplish an effective service to its clients. Some useful techniques and tools in the summary of information were used for the elaboration of the present research, for example: group work, interviews, surveys, and experts’ approach in the topic, among others. Besides, other administration tools were also used, such as: diagram SIPOC, diagram of flow, diagram Pareto, womb causes - effect, FMEA and the technique of 5(W o'clock) and 1(H). For the processing and analysis of the information the statistical software SPSS 15.0 was used. The inventory process was analyzed in the University of Cienfuegos, being detected the existence of difficulties that impede the appropriate acting of the same one, which limits the execution of the strategies and goals of the Area of Key Result with which it is related. They also intend, measures that contribute to eradicate these deficiencies, as well as a proposal of indicators is designed that allow detecting and to correct the deviations of the process in order to its results contribute to the strategic alignment.
Palabras clave
Gestión de Inventarios, Gestión por Procesos, Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez“