Propuesta del Manual de Identidad Corporativa para la marca Horizontes en Santa Clara. Caso- Hotel Los Caneyes
Hurtado Díaz, Yimerky
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
La presente investigación se desarrolló en el Hotel Los Caneyes con el objetivo de proponer un Manual de Identidad Corporativa para dicha entidad. Para la obtención de los resultados se desarrolló un diagnóstico de la identidad corporativa de dicha institución. La alternativa metodológica utilizada responde a una investigación cuantitativa, bajo el paradigma positivista. Para la selección de la muestra se tiene en cuenta el propósito de la investigación, los instrumentos metodológicos empleados y el tipo de información que se desea obtener. Se trabaja en diferentes momentos de acuerdo a los tiempos de la investigación. En primera instancia se utiliza un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, este muestreo se emplea para la aplicación del cuestionario, y se seleccionan los sujetos a través de la tómbola. Se utilizó además un muestreo no probabilístico con el fin de obtener una comprensión profunda del problema de investigación. Para la recogida de la información se utilizan las siguientes técnicas: análisis de documentos oficiales, observación, entrevista semiestructurada, cuestionario. Como principal resultado se propone el Manual de Identidad Corporativa para el Hotel Los Caneyes el cual permitirá normalizar el uso de signos de identificación de la empresa de manera que sean utilizados de acuerdo con los parámetros establecidos.
The present investigation was developed in the Hotel The Caneyes with the objective of proposing a Manual of Corporate Identity for this entity. For the obtaining of the results a diagnosis of the corporate identity of this institution was developed. The used methodological alternative responds to a quantitative investigation, under the paradigm positivist. For the selection of the sample one keeps in mind the purpose of the investigation, the instruments methodological employees and the type of information that it is wanted to obtain. One works in different moments according to the times of the investigation. In first instance a sampling simple random probabilistic, this sampling is used it is used for the application of the questionnaire, and the fellows are selected through the tombola. It was also used a sampling non probabilistic with the purpose of obtaining a deep understanding of the investigation problem. For the collection of the information the following ones are used technical: analysis of official documents, observation, interviews and questionnaire. As main result he/she intends the Manual of Corporate Identity for the Hotel The Caneyes which will allow to normalize the use of signs of identification of the company so that they are used of agreement with the established parameters.
The present investigation was developed in the Hotel The Caneyes with the objective of proposing a Manual of Corporate Identity for this entity. For the obtaining of the results a diagnosis of the corporate identity of this institution was developed. The used methodological alternative responds to a quantitative investigation, under the paradigm positivist. For the selection of the sample one keeps in mind the purpose of the investigation, the instruments methodological employees and the type of information that it is wanted to obtain. One works in different moments according to the times of the investigation. In first instance a sampling simple random probabilistic, this sampling is used it is used for the application of the questionnaire, and the fellows are selected through the tombola. It was also used a sampling non probabilistic with the purpose of obtaining a deep understanding of the investigation problem. For the collection of the information the following ones are used technical: analysis of official documents, observation, interviews and questionnaire. As main result he/she intends the Manual of Corporate Identity for the Hotel The Caneyes which will allow to normalize the use of signs of identification of the company so that they are used of agreement with the established parameters.
Palabras clave
Identidad Corporativa, Manual de Identidad Corporativa, Corporate Identity, Manual of Corporate Identity