El tratamiento de la percepción analítica en el proceso educativo con los niños del 6to año de vida
Ramirez Pérez, Elianne
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Preescolar.
El presente trabajo aborda el tratamiento de la percepción analítica en el sexto
año de vida. Parte de un diagnóstico inicial realizado en el grupo de sexto año de
vida del Círculo Infantil “Futuros Cosmonautas” conformado por 30 niños y 2
maestras. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se utilizaron métodos del
nivel teórico tales como: analítico - sintético, inductivo- deductivo y
sistémico- estructural; del nivel empírico: la observación al proceso educativo, la
entrevista a las maestras, el análisis documental y la encuesta a evaluadores
externos, del nivel estadístico-matemático: el análisis porcentual y la estadística
descriptiva. Los resultados de dichos instrumentos evidenciaron que existen
limitaciones en el tratamiento de este contenido, pues los modelos que se
utilizan no siempre cumplen con los requerimientos y niveles de complejidad
adecuados. Partiendo de estas necesidades declaradas anteriormente se
proponen modelos para dar tratamiento a los diferentes contenidos de
percepción analítica en el proceso educativo con niños del 6to año de vida, para
la reproducción, la creación y el trabajo con los rompecabezas, acompañados de
algunas recomendaciones necesarias para su utilización en el proceso
educativo. Los evaluadores externos consultados consideran que la
propuesta tiene posibilidades de aplicación en la práctica educativa, sus
criterios fueron de gran utilidad para su perfeccionamiento. Los instrumentos
aplicados durante la aplicación de la propuesta permitieron corroborar su
efectividad en el tratamiento a la percepción analítica.
The present work approaches the treatment of the analytic perception in the sixth year of life. It leaves of an initial diagnosis carried out in the group of sixth year of life of the Circle Infantile Future Cosmonauts conformed by 30 children and 2 teachers. For the development of this investigation methods of the such theoretical level were used as: analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive and systemic - structural; of the empiric level: the observation to the educational process, the interview to the teachers, the documental analysis and the survey to external appraisers, of the statistical-mathematical level: the percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. The results of this instruments evidenced that limitations exist in the treatment of this content, because the models that are used don't always fulfill the requirements and appropriate levels of complexity. Leaving of these necessities declared models previously intends to give treatment to the different contents of analytic perception in the educational process with the 6to year-old children, for the reproduction, the creation and the work with the puzzle, accompanied by some necessary recommendations for their use in the educational process. The consulted external appraisers consider that the proposal has application possibilities in the educational practice, their approaches were of great utility for its improvement. The instruments applied during the application of the proposal allowed to corroborate their effectiveness in the treatment to the analytic perception.
The present work approaches the treatment of the analytic perception in the sixth year of life. It leaves of an initial diagnosis carried out in the group of sixth year of life of the Circle Infantile Future Cosmonauts conformed by 30 children and 2 teachers. For the development of this investigation methods of the such theoretical level were used as: analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive and systemic - structural; of the empiric level: the observation to the educational process, the interview to the teachers, the documental analysis and the survey to external appraisers, of the statistical-mathematical level: the percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. The results of this instruments evidenced that limitations exist in the treatment of this content, because the models that are used don't always fulfill the requirements and appropriate levels of complexity. Leaving of these necessities declared models previously intends to give treatment to the different contents of analytic perception in the educational process with the 6to year-old children, for the reproduction, the creation and the work with the puzzle, accompanied by some necessary recommendations for their use in the educational process. The consulted external appraisers consider that the proposal has application possibilities in the educational practice, their approaches were of great utility for its improvement. The instruments applied during the application of the proposal allowed to corroborate their effectiveness in the treatment to the analytic perception.
Palabras clave
Educación Preescolar, Educación de la Primera Infancia