Planificación de la labranza de suelo en caña de azúcar mediante el sistema automatizado LabraS
Pérez Santos, Dayana
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas.Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias.Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola
Realizar una adecuada planificación de los procesos de labranza para la plantación de la caña de azúcar, con la aplicación del Sistema Automatizado LabraS, es el objetivo del presente trabajo. La investigación se realizó en la UEB Melanio Hernández, pertenecientes a la Empresa Azucarera Sancti Spíritus. Se utilizó la Base de Datos Única y la información del mapa de suelo 1:25 000 para la selección de los factores más limitantes para la mecanización. Los datos insertados en el sistema computacional se les solicitaron a las Unidades Productoras mediante los modelos establecidos, demandándose la información de preparación de suelo, plantación y fertilización y cultivo post-cosecha; además, el inventario de maquinaria y los días efectivos. Los resultados mostraron que los principales factores limitantes del suelo para la toma de decisiones de labranza en la UEB lo constituyen la Rocosidad, con el 46,24% y la Pendiente, con el 26,73%, mientras que un 23,07% del área se encuentra sin limitaciones para la mecanización de las labores de labranza. Mediante el SW LabraS se determinó satisfactoriamente la planificación de las variantes tecnológicas por unidad mínima de manejo y la demanda de equipos e insumos. Quedó demostrada la posibilidad de utilizar en el 53% del área los medios de labranza de conservación como los escarificadores y en un 35% la plantación en contorno. Se recomendó implementar alternativas para solucionar el déficit de equipos y realizar la planificación de las labores de labranza de suelo para caña de azúcar mediante el sistema automatizado LabraS.
To carry out an appropriate planning of tillage processes for the sugar cane plantation, with the implementation of the LabraS Automated System, it is the objective of the present paper. The investigation was carried out in the Production Unit (UEB) Melanio Hernández, belonging to the Sancti Spíritus Sugar Company. It was used the Unique Database and the information of the 1:25 000 soil map for the selection of the most restrictive factors for the soil tillage. The tillage processes data used by computational system were requested to the sugar cane grower by means of the established models, being demanded the data of the farm processes, current situation of the land preparation machinery platoons, machinery inventory and effective days. The results showed that the main restrictive factors of the soil for the farm tillage were the presence of roc, with 46,24% and the Slope, with 26,73%; while 23,07% of the area is without limitations for farm works; the Automated System LabraS determined the planning of the technological variants and the demand of equipment and goods satisfactorily, being demonstrated the possibility to use in 53% of the area the means of conservation farm like chisel and the application in 35% de contour plantation. Alternatives were recommended to solve the deficit of machinery and to apply the SW LabraS in soil tillage planning.
To carry out an appropriate planning of tillage processes for the sugar cane plantation, with the implementation of the LabraS Automated System, it is the objective of the present paper. The investigation was carried out in the Production Unit (UEB) Melanio Hernández, belonging to the Sancti Spíritus Sugar Company. It was used the Unique Database and the information of the 1:25 000 soil map for the selection of the most restrictive factors for the soil tillage. The tillage processes data used by computational system were requested to the sugar cane grower by means of the established models, being demanded the data of the farm processes, current situation of the land preparation machinery platoons, machinery inventory and effective days. The results showed that the main restrictive factors of the soil for the farm tillage were the presence of roc, with 46,24% and the Slope, with 26,73%; while 23,07% of the area is without limitations for farm works; the Automated System LabraS determined the planning of the technological variants and the demand of equipment and goods satisfactorily, being demonstrated the possibility to use in 53% of the area the means of conservation farm like chisel and the application in 35% de contour plantation. Alternatives were recommended to solve the deficit of machinery and to apply the SW LabraS in soil tillage planning.
Palabras clave
Labranza, Caña de Azúcar, Sistema Automatizado LabraS, UEB Melanio Hernández