El desarrollo de la habilidad de identificación en los niños del 5to año de vida
León Díaz, Yudith de las Mercedes
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Preescolar
El presente trabajo aborda una problemática de gran interés e importancia para la educación y desarrollo de los niños de la primera infancia en los momentos actuales, ofrece una propuesta de juegos didácticos dirigidos al desarrollo de la habilidad de identificación en contenidos del área de Conocimiento del Mundo Natural en los niños del 5to año de vida. Se hace un análisis teórico-metodológico acerca de los contenidos del área anteriormente referida, así como el desarrollo de la habilidad de identificación en la primera infancia. Para diagnosticar la muestra seleccionada se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico: analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico; del nivel empírico: observación a actividades programadas, situaciones pedagógicas y encuestas a especialistas; del nivel matemático: el análisis porcentual y la estadística descriptiva. Una vez concluido el diagnóstico se elaboró la propuesta de juegos didácticos, la que fue valorada por criterios de especialistas, los cuales consideran que son pertinentes, tienen posibilidades de aplicación, y potencialidades para favorecer el desarrollo de la habilidad de identificación. Posterior a su aplicación se constató que la propuesta de juegos didácticos constituyó una vía efectiva para el desarrollo de la habilidad de identificación en contenidos del área de Conocimiento del Mundo Natural, lo cual se evidenció en el desarrollo alcanzado por los niños.
The present work approaches a problem of great interest and importance for the education and the children's of the first childhood development in the current moments, he/she offers a proposal of didactic games directed to the development of the identification ability in contents of the area of Knowledge of the Natural World in the 5to year-old children. A theoretical-methodological analysis is made about the contents of the previously referred area, as well as the development of the ability to identify in the first childhood. To diagnose the selected sample methods of the theoretical level they were used: analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical; of the empiric level: observation to programmed activities, pedagogic situations and you interview specialists; of the mathematical level: the percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. Once concluded the diagnosis the proposal of didactic games was elaborated, the one that was valued by specialists' approaches, which consider that they are pertinent, they have application possibilities, and potentialities to favor the development of the identification ability. Later to their application it was verified that the proposal of didactic games constituted an effective road for the development of the identification ability in contents of the area of Knowledge of the Natural World, that which was evidenced in the development reached by the children.
The present work approaches a problem of great interest and importance for the education and the children's of the first childhood development in the current moments, he/she offers a proposal of didactic games directed to the development of the identification ability in contents of the area of Knowledge of the Natural World in the 5to year-old children. A theoretical-methodological analysis is made about the contents of the previously referred area, as well as the development of the ability to identify in the first childhood. To diagnose the selected sample methods of the theoretical level they were used: analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical; of the empiric level: observation to programmed activities, pedagogic situations and you interview specialists; of the mathematical level: the percentage analysis and the descriptive statistic. Once concluded the diagnosis the proposal of didactic games was elaborated, the one that was valued by specialists' approaches, which consider that they are pertinent, they have application possibilities, and potentialities to favor the development of the identification ability. Later to their application it was verified that the proposal of didactic games constituted an effective road for the development of the identification ability in contents of the area of Knowledge of the Natural World, that which was evidenced in the development reached by the children.
Palabras clave
Juegos, Habilidades, Educación de la Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar, Habilidades de Identificación