Evaluación del efecto hipolipémico in vivo de sapogeninas y fracción acuosa de las hojas de la especie Agave brittoniana subps brachypus
Águila Sánchez, Eliany
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Universidad Central ``Marta Abreu`` de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Licenciatura en Ciencias Farmacéuticas
Se realizó un estudio experimental, fitoquímico y farmacológico de las hojas de la planta Agave brittoniana T spp. Brachypus, provenientes del área Cubanacán, ciudad de Santa Clara. Se realizó una caracterización físicoquímica de las fracciones acuosa y butanólica del extracto hidroalcohólico. Se comprobó por medio del tamizaje fitoquímico realizado a los extractos etéreos, acuosos, alcohólicos e hidroalcohólicos del material vegetal secado, al sol y en la estufa y a la droga fresca que la presencia de saponinas y azúcares reductores es mayoritaria para la droga secada al sol y en la estufa. La yucagenina y la fracción acuosa del extracto hidroalcoholico de las hojas de Agave brittoniana T, (a 20mg/kg), demostraron tener una actividad hipolipémica comparable al ácido nicotínico e inferiores a la atorvastatina, en un modelo in vivo de hiperlipidemia inducida por Poloxamer 338. La yucagenina (100 mg/kg) demostró tener una actividad hipolipémica comparable a la metformina, en un modelo in vivo de hiperlipidemia inducido por síndrome metabólico. Todos los productos evaluados provocaron pérdida de peso y disminución del índice de masa corporal comparable a la obtenida con la administración de metformina
An experimental, phytochemical and pharmacological study of the leaves of the Agave brittoniana T spp. Brachypus, from the Cubanacán area, city of Santa Clara. A physicochemical characterization of the aqueous and butanolic fractions of the hydroalcoholic extract was carried out. It was detected in the phytochemical screening carried out on the ethereal, aqueous, alcoholic and hydroalcoholic extracts of the dried plant material, in the sun and on the stove and on the fresh drug that the presence of saponins and reducing sugars is the majority for the sun-dried drug and on the stove. The yucagenin and the aqueous fraction of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Agave brittoniana T, (at 20mg / kg), showed a hypolipidemic activity comparable to nicotinic acid and lower than atorvastatin, in an in vivo model of hyperlipidemia induced by Poloxamer 338 Yucagenin (100 mg/kg) showed hypolipidemic activity comparable to metformin in an in vivo model of hyperlipidemia induced by metabolic syndrome. All the products evaluated caused weight loss and decrease in body mass index comparable to that obtained with the administration of metformin
An experimental, phytochemical and pharmacological study of the leaves of the Agave brittoniana T spp. Brachypus, from the Cubanacán area, city of Santa Clara. A physicochemical characterization of the aqueous and butanolic fractions of the hydroalcoholic extract was carried out. It was detected in the phytochemical screening carried out on the ethereal, aqueous, alcoholic and hydroalcoholic extracts of the dried plant material, in the sun and on the stove and on the fresh drug that the presence of saponins and reducing sugars is the majority for the sun-dried drug and on the stove. The yucagenin and the aqueous fraction of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of Agave brittoniana T, (at 20mg / kg), showed a hypolipidemic activity comparable to nicotinic acid and lower than atorvastatin, in an in vivo model of hyperlipidemia induced by Poloxamer 338 Yucagenin (100 mg/kg) showed hypolipidemic activity comparable to metformin in an in vivo model of hyperlipidemia induced by metabolic syndrome. All the products evaluated caused weight loss and decrease in body mass index comparable to that obtained with the administration of metformin
Palabras clave
Santa Clara, Planta Agave brittoniana T spp. Brachypus, Plantas Medicinales, Farmacología, Hiperlipidemia, Epidemiología