Estrategia de comunicación promocional para el telecentro Telecubanacán en su 35 aniversario
Doblado Fernández, Jannett
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
La investigación se desarrolla en el telecentro Telecubanacán de la provincia de Villa Clara con el objetivo y principal resultado del diseño de una Estrategia de Comunicación Promocional orientada a una percepción favorable de la institución en su 35 aniversario. La estructura del estudio consta de tres Tópicos: el Teórico expone una relación entre las definiciones teóricas esenciales y los autores que constituyen la base de la investigación; en el Metodológico se opta por la descripción de todo el proceso metodológico, técnico y analítico que sustentan el estudio; y el de Resultados donde se analizan los resultados atendiendo a las técnicas aplicadas durante la fase diagnóstica. Adicionalmente cuenta con un cuerpo de Conclusiones y Recomendaciones, la Bibliografía consultada y los Anexos correspondientes.
La metodología se asume Mixta de Diseño anidado o incrustado concurrente de modelo dominante cuantitativo. La selección muestral fue definida en una única tipología: intencional (no probabilística), quedando conformada por informantes claves y un grupo de expertos para su posterior evaluación como herramienta comunicativa. Los instrumentos implementados para la recolección de los datos fueron el análisis documental, la entrevista semiestructurada, observación no participante, el grupo focal y el cuestionario.
The research is carried out in the Telecubanacán telecentre of the province of Villa Clara with the objective and main result of the design of a Promotional Communication Strategy oriented to a favorable perception of the institution in its 35th anniversary. The structure of the study consists of three Topics: the Theorist exposes a relation between the essential theoretical definitions and the authors that constitute the base of the investigation; in the Methodology, the description of the entire methodological, technical and analytical process that supports the study is chosen; and the Results where the results are analyzed according to the techniques applied during the diagnostic phase. Additionally, it has a body of Conclusions and Recommendations, the Bibliography consulted and the corresponding Annexes. The methodology is assumed Mixed Design nested or embedded concurrent quantitative dominant model. The sample selection was defined in a single typology: intentional (not probabilistic), being made up of key informants and a group of experts for its later evaluation as a communicative tool. The instruments implemented for the data collection were the documentary analysis, the semi-structured interview, non-participant observation, the focus group and the questionnaire.
The research is carried out in the Telecubanacán telecentre of the province of Villa Clara with the objective and main result of the design of a Promotional Communication Strategy oriented to a favorable perception of the institution in its 35th anniversary. The structure of the study consists of three Topics: the Theorist exposes a relation between the essential theoretical definitions and the authors that constitute the base of the investigation; in the Methodology, the description of the entire methodological, technical and analytical process that supports the study is chosen; and the Results where the results are analyzed according to the techniques applied during the diagnostic phase. Additionally, it has a body of Conclusions and Recommendations, the Bibliography consulted and the corresponding Annexes. The methodology is assumed Mixed Design nested or embedded concurrent quantitative dominant model. The sample selection was defined in a single typology: intentional (not probabilistic), being made up of key informants and a group of experts for its later evaluation as a communicative tool. The instruments implemented for the data collection were the documentary analysis, the semi-structured interview, non-participant observation, the focus group and the questionnaire.
Palabras clave
Promoción, Estrategia de Comunicación, Imagen Pública, Telecentro, Communication Strategy, Promotion, Public Image, Telecentre