Estudio Organizativo Integral del Area de Regiduría de Pisos en el Hotel Cayo Santa María
Corcho Reyes, Isis Laura
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Los continuos avances tecnológicos, así como las demandas de los consumidores centradas en el binomio precio/valor abren un nuevo ciclo en la industria turística. En esta ocasión, los cambios se producirán a una velocidad mucho mayor respecto a anteriores etapas. La organización y planificación en empresas turísticas permiten el mejoramiento continuo como condición esencial para garantizar el crecimiento sistemático y la competitividad. En los hoteles de playa los clientes suelen tener estancias prolongadas, por lo que el confort y el buen servicio son primordial, es por ello que el departamento de Regiduría de Pisos constituye un área clave para el funcionamiento de las instalaciones de alojamiento que responden a esta modalidad. En la actualidad, ha surgido la necesidad de optimizar la gestión de esta área en el Hotel Cayo Santa María, así como de encontrar soluciones a los problemas de planificación detectados. De esta forma el objetivo principal de la investigación es realizar un estudio organizativo que facilite una adecuada planificación del área de alojamiento; teniendo en cuenta los estándares de la marca propia y las características de los hoteles de este tipo. Los resultados de la investigación son expuestos a través de un conjunto de propuestas de mejora para los procesos analizados. Para ello se hizo uso de métodos y técnicas para recopilación de la información como: la observación directa, entrevistas, el análisis y síntesis, inductivo-deductivo e histórico-lógico, así como la revisión y análisis de documentos.
Abstract Continuous technological advances and consumer demands centered on the binomial price / value open a new cycle in the tourism industry. This time, the changes will occur at a much faster rate compared to previous stages. The organization and planning in tourism companies allow continuous improvement as essential to ensure systematic growth and competitiveness. In the beach hotels, customers usually have longer stay, so comfort and good service are paramount, which is why the Housekeeping area a key operation of accommodation facilities corresponding to this modality. At present, there has been the need to optimize the management of this area in the Hotel Cayo Santa Maria, as well as finding solutions to the problems detected planning. The main objective of the research is to make an organizational study to facilitate proper planning of housing area; taking into account the standards and characteristics own brand of hotels of this type. The results of the research are exposed through a set of proposals for improving the processes analyzed. For this use was made of methods and techniques for gathering information such as direct observation, application of questionnaires and interviews, inductive-deductive and historical-logical analysis and synthesis, as well as the review and analysis of documents.
Abstract Continuous technological advances and consumer demands centered on the binomial price / value open a new cycle in the tourism industry. This time, the changes will occur at a much faster rate compared to previous stages. The organization and planning in tourism companies allow continuous improvement as essential to ensure systematic growth and competitiveness. In the beach hotels, customers usually have longer stay, so comfort and good service are paramount, which is why the Housekeeping area a key operation of accommodation facilities corresponding to this modality. At present, there has been the need to optimize the management of this area in the Hotel Cayo Santa Maria, as well as finding solutions to the problems detected planning. The main objective of the research is to make an organizational study to facilitate proper planning of housing area; taking into account the standards and characteristics own brand of hotels of this type. The results of the research are exposed through a set of proposals for improving the processes analyzed. For this use was made of methods and techniques for gathering information such as direct observation, application of questionnaires and interviews, inductive-deductive and historical-logical analysis and synthesis, as well as the review and analysis of documents.
Palabras clave
Regiduría de Pisos, Organización
Corcho, I.(2016) Estudio organizativo Integral del área de Regiduría de Pisos en el Hotel Cayo Santa María. CICE UCLV 2016 (21-23 Octubre) Cayo Santa María, Cuba.