Diseño de un producto náutico integrado para la Sucursal Náutica Marlín Cienfuegos
Pérez Rojas, Noel
Nuñez Piñeiro, Yanet
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En las condiciones actuales, la actividad turística demanda asimilar la modernidad, la
tecnología y el conjunto de facilidades necesarias que exige el mercado internacional, sin
abandonar la autenticidad, la identidad, las peculiaridades y los intereses nacionales. En
este contexto, el destino Cuba orienta esfuerzos por promover los efectos multiplicadores
del turismo, a partir de conceptos de sostenibilidad y desarrollo local, para la preservación
de los intereses nacionales. Cienfuegos, posee un gran número de recursos naturales, que
vinculados con atractivos históricos y culturales, pueden satisfacer la demanda de los
variados clientes nacionales e internacionales de ofertas relacionadas con las actividades
náuticas y el servicio de marinas, por solo citar ejemplos. En la presente investigación es
abordada la Sucursal Náutica Marlin Cienfuegos, una de sus entidades turísticas con la
misión de potenciar la náutica en el territorio, la cual se comporta de manera irregular en el
cumplimiento de sus planes de ventas. En este sentido es diseñado un producto náutico
integrado, el cual tiene como centro de operaciones a Cayo Carenas. Para lograr los
resultados alcanzados fue necesario la aplicación de metodologías como: la propuesta por
Funcia, de la Uz, Romero y Rodríguez (2009) para el diseño del producto objeto de estudio
y la aportada por Machado y Cuevas (2008) para el proceso de diagnóstico; así como el uso
de diversas técnicas y herramientas de análisis y concreción como la encuesta, la entrevista,
la observación, el análisis de documentos, la Matriz DAFO y la Espina de Pescado.
In the current conditions, the tourist activity demands to assimilate the modernity, the technology and the set of necessary facilities that the international market demands, without abandoning the authenticity, the identity, the peculiarities and the national interests. In this context, the destination Cuba focuses efforts to promote the multiplying effects of tourism, based on concepts of sustainability and local development, for the preservation of national interests. Cienfuegos has a large number of natural resources, linked to historical and cultural attractions, can meet the demand of various national and international customers for offers related to nautical activities and marine services, just to mention examples. In the present investigation, the Marlin Cienfuegos Nautical Branch, one of its tourist entities with the mission of boosting the nautical activity in the territory, which behaves irregularly in the fulfillment of its sales plans, is addressed. In this sense, an integrated nautical product is designed, which has as center of operations Cayo Carenas. To achieve the results achieved, it was necessary to apply methodologies such as: the proposal by Funcia, of the Uz, Romero and Rodríguez (2009),for the design of the product under study and that provided by Machado and Cuevas (2008),for the process of diagnosis; as well as the use of diverse techniques and tools of analysis and concretion like the survey, the interview, the observation, the analysis of documents, the DAFO Matrix and the Fishbone.Key words: Tourism product design, nautical activities, Marine service, Methodology.
In the current conditions, the tourist activity demands to assimilate the modernity, the technology and the set of necessary facilities that the international market demands, without abandoning the authenticity, the identity, the peculiarities and the national interests. In this context, the destination Cuba focuses efforts to promote the multiplying effects of tourism, based on concepts of sustainability and local development, for the preservation of national interests. Cienfuegos has a large number of natural resources, linked to historical and cultural attractions, can meet the demand of various national and international customers for offers related to nautical activities and marine services, just to mention examples. In the present investigation, the Marlin Cienfuegos Nautical Branch, one of its tourist entities with the mission of boosting the nautical activity in the territory, which behaves irregularly in the fulfillment of its sales plans, is addressed. In this sense, an integrated nautical product is designed, which has as center of operations Cayo Carenas. To achieve the results achieved, it was necessary to apply methodologies such as: the proposal by Funcia, of the Uz, Romero and Rodríguez (2009),for the design of the product under study and that provided by Machado and Cuevas (2008),for the process of diagnosis; as well as the use of diverse techniques and tools of analysis and concretion like the survey, the interview, the observation, the analysis of documents, the DAFO Matrix and the Fishbone.Key words: Tourism product design, nautical activities, Marine service, Methodology.
Palabras clave
Diseño de Productos Turísticos, Actividades Náuticas, Servicio de Marinas