Plan Estratégico para el periodo 2020-2030 de la Sucursal extrahotelera Palmares Trinidad
Fonseca Gómez, Miguel Alejandro
Zerquera Báez, Héctor Rolando
Ruiz Prieto, Efrén
Zerquera Concepción, Mislady
León Rodríguez, Yordanys de
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Las circunstancias en que se desarrolla y a las que aspira crecer el mercado turístico en nuestro país, requieren de una dirección estratégica y prospectiva, la cual debe servir a toda organización como parte fundamental de visión de futuro organizacional. Una empresa sin prospectiva es una organización disfuncional y quebrada que no sobreviviría en un mundo de alta competitividad y constantes cambios. La consolidación de una dirección estratégica constituye una prioridad para la Sucursal extra hotelera Palmares en Trinidad, la que desde 2014, ha ido creciendo en cuanto a la diversificación, resultados económicos, creación y reanimación de nuevos productos, es una empresa que hoy siente la competencia de nuevos y diversos sectores que incursionan en el territorio. El presente trabajo está dirigido a crear un Plan Estratégico, como herramienta fundamental para alcanzar un nivel satisfactorio de las operaciones que garantice mejorar la posición competitiva con una aceptable eficiencia económica, para proyectarse hacia el futuro y emprender oportunamente acciones consecuentes y eficaces que propicien un nivel de satisfacción y de calidad superior en los servicios que brindamos a nuestros clientes.
The circumstances in which it develops and to which the tourism market aspires to grow in our country, require a strategic and prospective direction, which should serve all organizations as a fundamental part of the organizational future vision. A company without prospective is a dysfunctional and broken organization that would not survive in a world of high competitiveness and constant changes. The consolidation of a strategic direction is a priority for the Palmares extra-hotel branch in Trinidad, which since 2014, has grown in terms of diversification, economic results, creation and resuscitation of new products, is a company that today feels the competition of new and diverse sectors that venture into the territory. The present work is aimed at creating a Strategic Plan, as a fundamental tool to achieve a satisfactory level of operations that guarantees improving the competitive position with an acceptable economic efficiency, to project itself into the future and to take timely appropriate and effective actions that propitiate a level of satisfaction and superior quality in the services we provide to our clients
The circumstances in which it develops and to which the tourism market aspires to grow in our country, require a strategic and prospective direction, which should serve all organizations as a fundamental part of the organizational future vision. A company without prospective is a dysfunctional and broken organization that would not survive in a world of high competitiveness and constant changes. The consolidation of a strategic direction is a priority for the Palmares extra-hotel branch in Trinidad, which since 2014, has grown in terms of diversification, economic results, creation and resuscitation of new products, is a company that today feels the competition of new and diverse sectors that venture into the territory. The present work is aimed at creating a Strategic Plan, as a fundamental tool to achieve a satisfactory level of operations that guarantees improving the competitive position with an acceptable economic efficiency, to project itself into the future and to take timely appropriate and effective actions that propitiate a level of satisfaction and superior quality in the services we provide to our clients
Palabras clave
Rentabilidad, Comercialización, Desarrollo, Planificación Estratégica