Estrategia de comunicación para promocionar la oficina de Infotur Cienfuegos en el público nacional.
Mirabal Moreno, Rosmeilyn
Carrazana Pérez, José Armando
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La marcada lejanía que ha establecido Infotur con el público nacional, con los medios de comunicación, la comunidad cienfueguera y con numerosas instituciones propias del turismo, trae como resultado que estos públicos desconozcan hoy muchas de las funciones principales de laoficina.Para ello la presente investigación tiene como objetivo general proponer una estrategia de comunicación para la promoción de la Oficina de Información Turística de Cienfuegos en el público nacional. Se utiliza una metodología cuantitativa y la base de un diseño no experimental-transversal-descriptivo.Las muestras del actual estudio se escogen según diversos criterios de selección, mediante un muestreo no probabilístico y agrupadas en tres muestras fundamentales: sujetos tipos, expertos y una muestra incidental casual, en total 145 participantes.Como instrumentos metodológicos para el estudio se utilizan: la revisión de documentos, la entrevista semiestructurada, el cuestionario y la observación. El procesamiento de la información obtenida se realiza fundamentalmente a través del método de análisis matemático-estadístico, y son enriquecidos con análisis descriptivos interpretativos.
El principal resultado derivado del estudio corresponde a la propuesta de una estrategia de comunicación promocional, adecuada a las características de la oficina de Infotur Cienfuegos y su público nacional. Como conclusión fundamental se reconoce las potencialidades y recursos dela oficina para implementar la estrategia y fortalecer la relación con el público externo
The marked distance that Infotur has established with the national public, with the media, the cienfueguera community and with many institutions of tourism, results in these audiences today ignoring many of the main functions of the office.To this end, the present research has as general objective to propose a communication strategy for the promotion of the Tourist Information Office of Cienfuegos in the national public. A quantitative methodology is used and the basis of a non-experimental-transverse-descriptive design.Samples from the current study are chosen according to various selection criteria, using a non-probabilistic sampling and grouped into three fundamental samples: subjects types, experts and a casual incidental sample, which constitute a total of 145 participants.As methodological instruments for the study are used: document review, semi-structured interview, questionnaire and observation. The information obtained is processed mainly through the mathematical-statistical analysis method, and they are enriched with descriptive interpretive analyzes.The main result derived from the study corresponds to the proposal of a strategy of promotional communication, adapted to the characteristics of the office of Infotur Cienfuegos and its national public. As a fundamental conclusion, it recognizes the potential and resources of the office to implement the strategy and strengthen the relationship with the external public. The main recommendation that is established is the implementation of the communication strategy resulting from thisresearch.
The marked distance that Infotur has established with the national public, with the media, the cienfueguera community and with many institutions of tourism, results in these audiences today ignoring many of the main functions of the office.To this end, the present research has as general objective to propose a communication strategy for the promotion of the Tourist Information Office of Cienfuegos in the national public. A quantitative methodology is used and the basis of a non-experimental-transverse-descriptive design.Samples from the current study are chosen according to various selection criteria, using a non-probabilistic sampling and grouped into three fundamental samples: subjects types, experts and a casual incidental sample, which constitute a total of 145 participants.As methodological instruments for the study are used: document review, semi-structured interview, questionnaire and observation. The information obtained is processed mainly through the mathematical-statistical analysis method, and they are enriched with descriptive interpretive analyzes.The main result derived from the study corresponds to the proposal of a strategy of promotional communication, adapted to the characteristics of the office of Infotur Cienfuegos and its national public. As a fundamental conclusion, it recognizes the potential and resources of the office to implement the strategy and strengthen the relationship with the external public. The main recommendation that is established is the implementation of the communication strategy resulting from thisresearch.
Palabras clave
Mix de Comunicación de Marketing;, Estrategia de Comunicación Promocional, Turismo Nacional
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