Introducción al estudio del léxico especializado de la industria del ron cubano
Pérez García, Yamilé
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Universidad de Cienfuegos
Una de las manifestaciones del estrecho vínculo entre el progreso científico técnico y el sociocultural, fuerzas que han determinado el desarrollo de la humanidad, radica en las áreas ocupacionales y las lenguas de especialidad. Entre ellas, las relacionadas con las bebidas alcohólicas, ancladas cronotópicamente, identifican ciertos grupos humanos, áreas geoculturales y hasta naciones. El ron es consustancial a nacionalidad cubana, tiene expresión en las manifestaciones del arte, la medicina tradicional, la religión y los festejos más cotidianos de la isla. Los elementos que conforman el vocabulario técnico de la producción, comercialización y consumo de ron y las particularidades que lo distinguen, no han sido atendidos en obras lexicográficas del español de Cuba; tampoco se constata una concientización de su valor por parte de los especialistas como forma de perpetuar sus saberes. Este ensayo, pues, fundamenta la pertinencia de su estudio desde la Terminología, estableciendo principios y evaluando los impactos sociales, científicos y económicos en la sociedad cubana e internacional
Occupational areas and its specialty languages show how closely related are science and sociocultural progress. Among them, vocabulary or terms around alcoholic beverages, anchored chronotopically, identify certain human groups, geocultural areas and even nations. Rum is consubstantial to Cuban nation. It became apparent in art, traditional medicine, religion and the most common celebrations in the island. The elements that make up the technical vocabulary of the production, marketing and consumption of rum, also the particularities that distinguish it, have not been attended in lexicographical works of Cuban variety of Spanish. On the part of specialists, neither is there an awareness of its value as a way of perpetuating their knowledge. This essay, therefore, bases the relevance of its study from the Terminology, establishing principles and evaluating the social, scientific and economic impacts on Cuban and international society.
Occupational areas and its specialty languages show how closely related are science and sociocultural progress. Among them, vocabulary or terms around alcoholic beverages, anchored chronotopically, identify certain human groups, geocultural areas and even nations. Rum is consubstantial to Cuban nation. It became apparent in art, traditional medicine, religion and the most common celebrations in the island. The elements that make up the technical vocabulary of the production, marketing and consumption of rum, also the particularities that distinguish it, have not been attended in lexicographical works of Cuban variety of Spanish. On the part of specialists, neither is there an awareness of its value as a way of perpetuating their knowledge. This essay, therefore, bases the relevance of its study from the Terminology, establishing principles and evaluating the social, scientific and economic impacts on Cuban and international society.
Palabras clave
Ron Cubano, Bebidas Alcohólicas, Terminología, Identidad, Léxico, Lenguas de Especialidad
Pérez García, Y. (2022). Introducción al estudio del léxico especializado de la industria del ron cubano. Revista Universidad
y Sociedad, 14(S1), 300-309.