Principales impactos de la EMI Coronel “Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez” en el desarrollo local y territorial de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus
Marín Guzmán, Daniel
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
En la investigación se parte de elaboración de un marco teórico referencial sobre el desarrollo local en la etapa contemporánea y su impacto en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, su valor e importancia en el actual modelo económico cubano, se profundiza en el rol de la administración pública en el desarrollo local, las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias bastión inexpugnable del estado cubano, las iniciativas del desarrollo local en Cuba, las potencialidades presentes en la escala local que favorecen el desarrollo local sostenible y se profundiza en la a EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ una institución integrada al desarrollo actual y perspectivo del país. Seguidamente se trabaja en el diagnóstico empresarial su valor e importancia para la empresa estatal socialista, los tipo de diagnóstico organizacional, la misión de la empresa, la visión y los valores compartidos de la misma, la principal cartera de productos y servicios que brinda la empresa, la clasificación de productos y servicios, el análisis económico financiero de la empresa en el cierre del año 2020, la relación salario medio vs productividad del trabajo, la ejecución del presupuesto, el estado de las inversiones, las principales fortalezas, debilidades, amenazas y oportunidades en la empresa y las principales estrategias a ser desarrolladas en la empresa.
Finalmente se exponen los principales aportes e impactos de la EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus en el desarrollo local y territorial y sus vínculos con Universidad de Sancti Spíritus ―José Martí Pérez‖, los vínculos Universidad vs. empresa en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus y su impacto en el desarrollo local, la educación superior y el desarrollo local, un vínculo más que necesario para el Gobierno cubano, la ciencia e innovación, informatización y comunicación social, como pilares de su gestión, y su influencia en el enfrentamiento al nuevo coronavirus, Sars Cov-2, las principales nomenclaturas incumplidas y sus causas como parte del impacto de la EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ en el desarrollo de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, los principales resultados del cumplimiento del plan de piezas de repuestos de la EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ en el desarrollo de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, el proyecto Fuentes Renovables de Energía como apoyo al Desarrollo Local (FRE) local.
The research starts with the elaboration of a referential theoretical framework on local development in the contemporary stage and its impact on the province of Sancti Spíritus, its value and importance in the current Cuban economic model, it deepens the role of public administration in local development, the Revolutionary Armed Forces impregnable bastion of the Cuban state, local development initiatives in Cuba, the potentialities present at the local scale that favor sustainable local development and the EMI Coronel "Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez" an institution integrated to the current and prospective development of the country. Then we work on the business diagnosis its value and importance for the socialist state company, the type of organizational diagnosis, the mission of the company, the vision and the shared values of the same, the main portfolio of products and services offered by the company. , the classification of products and services, the economic-financial analysis of the company at the close of 2020, the average salary vs. work productivity, budget execution, the status of investments, the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in the company and the main strategies to be developed in the company. Finally, the main contributions and impacts of the EMI Colonel "Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez" of the province of Sancti Spíritus in local and territorial development and its links with the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", the links University vs. company in the province of Sancti Spíritus and its impact on local development, higher education and local development, a more than necessary link for the Cuban Government, science and innovation, computerization and social communication, as pillars of its management, and its influence in the confrontation with the new coronavirus, Sars Cov-2, the main unfulfilled nomenclatures and their causes as part of the impact of the EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ on the development of the province of Sancti Spíritus, the main results of compliance with the Spare parts plan of the EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ in the development of the province of Sancti Spíritus, the Renewable Energy Sources project as support for Local Development local (FRE).
The research starts with the elaboration of a referential theoretical framework on local development in the contemporary stage and its impact on the province of Sancti Spíritus, its value and importance in the current Cuban economic model, it deepens the role of public administration in local development, the Revolutionary Armed Forces impregnable bastion of the Cuban state, local development initiatives in Cuba, the potentialities present at the local scale that favor sustainable local development and the EMI Coronel "Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez" an institution integrated to the current and prospective development of the country. Then we work on the business diagnosis its value and importance for the socialist state company, the type of organizational diagnosis, the mission of the company, the vision and the shared values of the same, the main portfolio of products and services offered by the company. , the classification of products and services, the economic-financial analysis of the company at the close of 2020, the average salary vs. work productivity, budget execution, the status of investments, the main strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in the company and the main strategies to be developed in the company. Finally, the main contributions and impacts of the EMI Colonel "Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez" of the province of Sancti Spíritus in local and territorial development and its links with the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", the links University vs. company in the province of Sancti Spíritus and its impact on local development, higher education and local development, a more than necessary link for the Cuban Government, science and innovation, computerization and social communication, as pillars of its management, and its influence in the confrontation with the new coronavirus, Sars Cov-2, the main unfulfilled nomenclatures and their causes as part of the impact of the EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ on the development of the province of Sancti Spíritus, the main results of compliance with the Spare parts plan of the EMI Coronel ―Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez‖ in the development of the province of Sancti Spíritus, the Renewable Energy Sources project as support for Local Development local (FRE).
Palabras clave
EMI Coronel “Francisco Aguiar Rodríguez”, Desarrollo Local, Optimización de Procesos, Desarrollo Económico, Salarios y Beneficios