Estudio de plantilla en la Empresa CEPIL “Juan Antonio Márquez” de Ciego de Ávila
Granela de la Cruz, Leynette
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
La tarea Ordenamiento, que fue implementada en el sistema empresarial cubano a partir del año 2021, así como las nuevas disposiciones laborales y salariales emitidas por el MTSS del país, ha obligado a las empresas a revisar sus procedimientos legales, financieros, contables, comerciales y de recursos humanos. La Empresa CEPIL “Juan Antonio Márquez” de Ciego de Ávila, no ha estado exenta de esto, por lo que ha servido como objeto de estudio para esta investigación, que ha tenido como objetivo general, el analizar es estado de la plantilla en dicha organización, específicamente en el área de regulación y control, como parte del perfeccionamiento de las actividades de planeación y organización del trabajo dentro de la gestión del capital humano. Para el cumplimiento de este objetivo fue necesario aplicar diferentes métodos y técnicas de la investigación científica, así como procedimientos específicos de estudios de organización y planeación de personal. Todo lo anterior permitió caracterizar el estado en que se encontraba la plantilla en dicha empresa, a tono con los nuevos escenarios.
Palabras claves: Gestión de los recursos humanos, planeación de recursos humanos, organización del trabajo, plantilla de cargos
The Ordinance task, implemented in the Cuban business system from the year 2021, as well as the new labor and salary provisions issued by the country's MTSS, has forced companies to review their legal, financial, accounting, commercial and human resources procedures. The CEPIL Company "Juan Antonio Márquez" from Ciego de Ávila, has not been exempt from this, so it has served as an object of study for this research, which has had as a general objective, to analyze the state of the workforce in that organization, specifically in the area of regulation and control, as part of the improvement of the activities of planning and organization of work within the management of human capital. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to apply different methods and techniques of scientific research, as well as specific procedures of organization and personnel planning studies. All of the above made it possible to characterize the state of the company's workforce, in line with the new scenarios. Key words: Human resources management, human resources planning, work organization, staffing
The Ordinance task, implemented in the Cuban business system from the year 2021, as well as the new labor and salary provisions issued by the country's MTSS, has forced companies to review their legal, financial, accounting, commercial and human resources procedures. The CEPIL Company "Juan Antonio Márquez" from Ciego de Ávila, has not been exempt from this, so it has served as an object of study for this research, which has had as a general objective, to analyze the state of the workforce in that organization, specifically in the area of regulation and control, as part of the improvement of the activities of planning and organization of work within the management of human capital. In order to achieve this objective, it was necessary to apply different methods and techniques of scientific research, as well as specific procedures of organization and personnel planning studies. All of the above made it possible to characterize the state of the company's workforce, in line with the new scenarios. Key words: Human resources management, human resources planning, work organization, staffing
Palabras clave
Empresa CEPIL “Juan Antonio Márquez”, Gestión de Recursos Humanos, Organización y Administración, Optimización de Procesos