Procedimiento para el cálculo de los costos de la calidad integral en la Empresa Antenas de Villa Clara
Fonseca Mesa, Isel
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
La calidad como función empresarial desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad ha constituido una variable primordial para la supervivencia de los mercados, el éxito ha radicado en brindar productos y servicios con relación costo-calidad cada vez más ventajosos. La economía cubana para insertarse en un mercado mundial globalizado necesita ser cada día más eficiente y competitiva, elevando el nivel de calidad de los productos y disminuyendo los costos para aumentar las ganancias. La presente investigación se realiza en la Empresa de Antenas de Villa Clara, con el objetivo de proponer un procedimiento para el cálculo de los costos de la calidad integral, que permita contar con una herramienta que contribuya a la mejora de la calidad integral en la empresa. Para cumplir con el objetivo general se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con un alto nivel de actualización, donde se abordan los aspectos más significativos sobre la temática, así como un estudio del sistema de gestión de la calidad vigente, proponiéndose el procedimiento para el cálculo de los costos de la calidad integral y realizando una aplicación parcial en el proceso de producción, específicamente en el de antenas multibandas con portaelemento metálico. Dentro de las técnicas y métodos más significativos empleados en el estudio se encuentran: entrevistas, revisión de documentos, entre otras que permiten diagnosticar la situación, analizar los resultados y arribar a las conclusiones que propone el trabajo.
Quality as a business function from the second half of the twentieth century to the present has been a primary variable for the survival of markets; success has been in providing products and services with increasingly advantageous cost-quality ratio. The Cuban economy to insert itself in a globalized world market needs to be more efficient and competitive every day, raising the level of quality of products and decreasing costs to increase profits. This research is carried out in the Antenna Company of Villa Clara, with the aim of proposing a procedure for the calculation of the costs of integral quality, which allows to have a tool that contributes to the improvement of the integral quality in the company. To meet the general objective, a bibliographic review is carried out with a high level of updating, where the most significant aspects of the subject are addressed, as well as a study of the current quality management system, proposing the procedure for the calculation of the costs of the integral quality and making a partial application in the production process, specifically in that of multiband antennas with metallic element carrier. Among the most significant techniques and methods used in the study are: interviews, review of documents, among others that allow diagnosing the situation, analyzing the results and reaching the conclusions proposed by the work.
Quality as a business function from the second half of the twentieth century to the present has been a primary variable for the survival of markets; success has been in providing products and services with increasingly advantageous cost-quality ratio. The Cuban economy to insert itself in a globalized world market needs to be more efficient and competitive every day, raising the level of quality of products and decreasing costs to increase profits. This research is carried out in the Antenna Company of Villa Clara, with the aim of proposing a procedure for the calculation of the costs of integral quality, which allows to have a tool that contributes to the improvement of the integral quality in the company. To meet the general objective, a bibliographic review is carried out with a high level of updating, where the most significant aspects of the subject are addressed, as well as a study of the current quality management system, proposing the procedure for the calculation of the costs of the integral quality and making a partial application in the production process, specifically in that of multiband antennas with metallic element carrier. Among the most significant techniques and methods used in the study are: interviews, review of documents, among others that allow diagnosing the situation, analyzing the results and reaching the conclusions proposed by the work.
Palabras clave
Empresa Antenas de Villa Clara, Control de Calidad, Optimización de Procesos, Costos y Análisis de Costo, Control de Costos