System of communicative activities to reinforce the speaking ability in French language in sixth grade Special Interest Group students, class A at “Juan Carlos Rodriguez” Elementary School.




Monteagudo Chaviano, Dayana

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Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "Félix Varela Morales"


One of the main goals taken into account to increase the Cuban Cultural level is the teaching of foreign languages such as Italian, English and French among others. The present research has as objective to propose a system of communicative activities to reinforce the speaking ability in French language in a Special Interest Group in sixth A graders at “Juan Carlos Rodriguez” Elementary School in DAAFAR neighborhood, Santa Clara, Villa Clara. These students got familiar with French language; specifically with the development of speaking ability during the course, 2013-2014.That is why the main objective of the current proposal is to reinforce this ability. Several methods from the theoretical and empirical level were applied to carry out this major paper. The data obtained throughout the empirical methods administered corroborated that the students of the sample needed more practice to develop the speaking ability in foreign language. The proposal consists of a system of activities to reinforce speaking ability in French in the students of the sample. Once the proposal was designed, it was evaluated by some specialists, whose suggestions were highly appreciated by the authoress of this study. Finally, the proposal was implemented during the second semester of the current school year. The results were satisfactory as the level of the students in the development of the speaking ability was improved, they made less mistakes in pronunciation and in grammar, they could enrich their lexicon and they were able to manage the communicative functions studied better. That is, the students developed an elementary communicative competence in French language.
Au présent, toute la société mondiale a été affectée pour la globalisation et le néolibéralisme. Ils ont conduit le monde à une crise économique mondiale. Cette crise a eu un impact direct sur le développement de tous les pays. Cuba comme partie de ce monde, n’est pas été en dehors de la lutte pour l’amélioration politique, économique et culturelle des citoyens. L’enseignement des langues français, anglais et italienne est l’un des objectifs principaux pour augmenter le niveau culturel des cubains. Cette recherche a le but de renforcer la production orale dans les apprenants de le 6me année de l’école primaire Juan Carlos Rodriguez de le quartier DAAFAR, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, qui pendant le course 2013-2014 ont étudient différents contenus de la langue. Plusieurs méthodes des niveaux empirique et théorique ont été utilisées pour accomplir la tache de l’investigation. Cette proposition consiste en d’un système des activités pour renforcer la production orale aux apprenants du 6me année de l’école Juan Carlos Rodriguez à travers le club de français ; quand l’auteure a fini le système, les experts ont analysé avec le fin de partager leur opinion et de corriger des erreurs pour l´utilisation des autres générations. Finalement pendant l´implémentation la professeure a fait beaucoup des activités et des échanges d´accord des besoins et des débilités des apprenants.


Palabras clave

Lenguas Extranjeras, Inglés, Sistema de Actividades, Secundaria Básica, Francés
