Plan de mejoramiento al proceso de restauración para el Restaurante “ Ranchón Playa los Marinos” en el Hotel Meliá Buenavista
Rodríguez Triana, Merlyn Lázara
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La restauración hotelera en el turismo constituye un producto de obligado consumo,
que engloba una amplia gama de características, actividades y procedimientos, como
resultado de las exigencias de los clientes. Su constante evolución y
perfeccionamiento definen la excelencia y la competitividad de las organizaciones, en
su afán por garantizar la fidelización de la clientela. Esto se logra en la medida que el
uso y operacionalidad de las instalaciones sea efectivo, siendo los planes de mejora
una vía para el logro de este fin, los cuales permiten una mejor y más eficiente
puesta en práctica de los procesos de restauración. Por eso el objetivo de la
presente investigación es diseñar un plan de mejoramiento al proceso de
restauración del Restaurante “Ranchón Playa Los Marinos” en el Hotel Meliá
Buenavista, orientado a la gestión de la calidad en los servicios de alimentos y
bebidas atendiendo a los estándares y requisitos establecidos en la Norma Cubana
NC-126:2001. El plan se sustenta en la aplicación de disímiles métodos y técnicas,
recogidas en el estudio bibliográfico realizado, tales como análisis y síntesis,
inducción y deducción, histórico-lógico, observación, información directa, criterio de
expertos, encuesta, entrevistas y la lista de chequeo como principal herramienta de
diagnóstico. También parte del análisis de diversos procedimientos que abordan el
tema, escogiendo como el más adecuado para el desarrollo de la investigación, el
procedimiento de de León, 2011 para el diagnóstico de la gestión de la calidad en el
proceso de restauración, el cual será aplicado en el objeto de estudio parcialmente.
The hotel restoration in tourism is a product of forced consumption, which encompasses a wide range of features, activities and procedures as a result of the demands of customers. Its constant evolution and refinement define excellence and competitiveness of organizations to ensure customer loyalty. This is achieved to the extent that the use and operability of the facilities can be effective, being a road improvement plans for achieving this end, which allow a better and more efficient implementation of the restoration process. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a plan to improve the process of restoring the restaurant "The Marine Beach Bar" in the Hotel Meliá Buenavista, addressed to the quality management in the food and beverage services in response to the standards and requirements of the International Standard NC-126: 2001. The plan is based on the application of several methods and techniques, reached in the bibliographic study, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and logical, observation, direct information, judgment of experts, survey, interviews and the checklist as the main diagnostic tool. Furthermore, it starts from the analysis of some procedures that deal with the topic, choosing as the most accurate for the development of the research, the procedure of de León (2011), for the diagnosis of the quality management in the process of restoration, which will be applied partially in the study sector.
The hotel restoration in tourism is a product of forced consumption, which encompasses a wide range of features, activities and procedures as a result of the demands of customers. Its constant evolution and refinement define excellence and competitiveness of organizations to ensure customer loyalty. This is achieved to the extent that the use and operability of the facilities can be effective, being a road improvement plans for achieving this end, which allow a better and more efficient implementation of the restoration process. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a plan to improve the process of restoring the restaurant "The Marine Beach Bar" in the Hotel Meliá Buenavista, addressed to the quality management in the food and beverage services in response to the standards and requirements of the International Standard NC-126: 2001. The plan is based on the application of several methods and techniques, reached in the bibliographic study, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and logical, observation, direct information, judgment of experts, survey, interviews and the checklist as the main diagnostic tool. Furthermore, it starts from the analysis of some procedures that deal with the topic, choosing as the most accurate for the development of the research, the procedure of de León (2011), for the diagnosis of the quality management in the process of restoration, which will be applied partially in the study sector.
Palabras clave
Restauración, Gestión de la Calidad, Hotel Meliá Buenavista, Alimentos y Bebidas