Plan de desarrollo turístico cultural sostenible para la ciudad de Santa Clara. Período 2014 - 2019
Pérez Peñate, Yurany
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
En un escenario turístico convertido en un fenómeno de masas complejo, con nuevas tendencias de consumo relacionadas con la búsqueda de nuevas experiencias, mayor calidad ambiental y el disfrute de una cultura auténtica; resulta imprescindible la utilización integral y responsable de las potencialidades que ofrecen los destinos, de manera que se proyecten como verdaderos atractivos turísticos. En este sentido, el patrimonio cultural tangible e intangible en su condición como recurso no renovable, debe valorarse desde las mejores prácticas
sostenibles. La ciudad de Santa Clara, como contexto investigativo, no se ha pronunciado como un verdadero destino de turismo cultural sostenible, debido a que los gestores locales no han sabido aprovechar su potencial patrimonial
cultural, en un manejo eficiente que contribuya a su conservación como principal atractivo y materia prima de la actividad turística. Por tanto, la presente investigación se centra en la propuesta de un Plan de Desarrollo Turístico Cultural Sostenible para el destino Santa Clara. Para ello, se analizaron diferentes procedimientos encontrados en las bibliografías consultadas, seleccionándose
la propuesta de la MSc. Zeida Carvajal García (2013), ya que se adapta a las particularidades del proceso investigativo, específicamente en destinos históricos-culturales. El principal aporte de la investigación radica en ofrecer una herramienta útil y práctica que aboga por el desarrollo turístico de Santa Clara, basado en la sostenibilidad cultural y la determinación del turismo como una estrategia de desarrollo que promueve el bienestar social y la vinculación de las comunidades a la industria turística.
In a tourist scenario transformed in a complex masses s' phenomenon, with new tendencies of consumption related with the search of new experiences, bigger environmental quality and the enjoyment of an authentic culture; it is essential the responsible utilization of the potentialities that offer the destinations, so that they are projected as true tourist attractiveness. In this sense, the tangible and intangible cultural patrimony in their condition like resource that can’t be renovated, it should be valued from the best sustainable practices. Santa Clara's city, as investigative context, it has not been pronounced as a true destination of sustainable cultural tourism, because the local agents have not known to exploit the advantages of their cultural patrimonial potential, in an efficient use that contributes to their conservation like main attractiveness and resources of the tourist activity. Therefore, the present investigation has the object to propose a Plan of Sustainable Cultural Tourist Development for the destination Santa Clara. For it, different procedures were analyzed, being selected the proposal of the MSc. Zeida Carvajal García (2013), since the proposal adapts to the particularities of the investigative process, specifically in historical-cultural destinations. The main contribution of the investigation resides in offering an useful and practice tool that pleads for Santa Clara's tourist development, based on the sustainability cultural and the determination of the tourism like a development strategy that it promotes the social well-being and the link up of the communities to the tourist industry.
In a tourist scenario transformed in a complex masses s' phenomenon, with new tendencies of consumption related with the search of new experiences, bigger environmental quality and the enjoyment of an authentic culture; it is essential the responsible utilization of the potentialities that offer the destinations, so that they are projected as true tourist attractiveness. In this sense, the tangible and intangible cultural patrimony in their condition like resource that can’t be renovated, it should be valued from the best sustainable practices. Santa Clara's city, as investigative context, it has not been pronounced as a true destination of sustainable cultural tourism, because the local agents have not known to exploit the advantages of their cultural patrimonial potential, in an efficient use that contributes to their conservation like main attractiveness and resources of the tourist activity. Therefore, the present investigation has the object to propose a Plan of Sustainable Cultural Tourist Development for the destination Santa Clara. For it, different procedures were analyzed, being selected the proposal of the MSc. Zeida Carvajal García (2013), since the proposal adapts to the particularities of the investigative process, specifically in historical-cultural destinations. The main contribution of the investigation resides in offering an useful and practice tool that pleads for Santa Clara's tourist development, based on the sustainability cultural and the determination of the tourism like a development strategy that it promotes the social well-being and the link up of the communities to the tourist industry.
Palabras clave
Turismo Urbano, Turismo Cultural, Patrimonio Cultural, Desarrollo Sostenible, Desarrollo Local