Propuesta de un Material de estudio complementario de la asignatura “Costos Agropecuarios” de la carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas.
Nazco Ibarra, Victor
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de la Villas
Esta investigación surge por la necesidad de actualización del soporte material de la asignatura “Costos Agropecuarios”, en la carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas. Para dar solución al problema científico se plantea como objetivo general de la investigación, proponer un material de estudio complementario actualizado, para la asignatura antes mencionada de manera que se eleve la calidad de la docencia.
En el desarrollo de este estudio se han utilizado, sobre una base dialéctica, los métodos de análisis, síntesis y deducción. Como técnicas de búsqueda de información se emplearon la revisión de documentos y la entrevista a especialistas del Minagric.
El material complementario se estructura en dos capítulos que conforman los apuntes teóricos sobre el tema y el componente práctico que se deriva de lo anterior. Posee además un glosario de términos relacionados con la economía agropecuaria y un set de ejercicios que le permita al docente la preparación de los estudiantes y la ejercitación de los contenidos sobre el cálculo del costo de las producciones agropecuarias. Finalmente se arriban a conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas de la investigación realizada.
This investigation arises for the necessity of upgrade of the material support of the subject "Agricultural Costs", in the career of Accounting and Finances. To give solution to the scientific problem he/she thinks about as general objective of the investigation, to propose an up-to-date complementary pamphlet, for the subject before mentioned so that the quality of the professional's formation rises. In the development of this study they have been used, on a dialectical base, the analysis methods, synthesis and deduction. As technical of search of information the revision of documents and the interview were used specialists of the Minagric. The complementary pamphlet is structured in two chapters that conform the theoretical notes on the topic and the practical component that he/she is derived of the above-mentioned. It also possesses a glossary of terms related with the agricultural economy and a Sep of exercises that it allows to the educational one the preparation of the students and the consolidation of the contents on the calculation of the cost of the agricultural productions. Finally they are arrived to conclusions and derived recommendations of the carried out investigation.
This investigation arises for the necessity of upgrade of the material support of the subject "Agricultural Costs", in the career of Accounting and Finances. To give solution to the scientific problem he/she thinks about as general objective of the investigation, to propose an up-to-date complementary pamphlet, for the subject before mentioned so that the quality of the professional's formation rises. In the development of this study they have been used, on a dialectical base, the analysis methods, synthesis and deduction. As technical of search of information the revision of documents and the interview were used specialists of the Minagric. The complementary pamphlet is structured in two chapters that conform the theoretical notes on the topic and the practical component that he/she is derived of the above-mentioned. It also possesses a glossary of terms related with the agricultural economy and a Sep of exercises that it allows to the educational one the preparation of the students and the consolidation of the contents on the calculation of the cost of the agricultural productions. Finally they are arrived to conclusions and derived recommendations of the carried out investigation.
Palabras clave
Cálculo de los Costos, Producciones Agropecuarias, Material de Estudio