Evaluación de la permeabilidad al aire en especímenes de hormigón elaborados con cemento de bajo carbono LC3
Paz Montes de Oca, José Fernando
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil
El hormigón es un material artificial de origen pétreo, una de sus principales características es la presencia en él de dos estados disímiles con propiedades diferentes en cada uno: inicialmente un estado plástico fluido que le permite adaptarse con facilidad a las diferentes formas de los moldes en que se vierte y luego de endurecido, un estado sólido en el que se modifican sus propiedades iniciales. La permeabilidad del hormigón está asociada principalmente a la permeabilidad del mortero y la pasta de cemento endurecida, cuyas propiedades influyen en su durabilidad, ya que por los poros (conectados) permeables son capaces de permitir el paso de sustancias, mediante distintos fenómenos. Entre los factores que afectan la permeabilidad del concreto está el contenido y tipo de cemento utilizado. La producción mundial de cemento es la responsable, a nivel mundial, de altos niveles de contaminación y posee un alto costo de producción debido a su elevado consumo energético. Con el objetivo de mitigar estos actores se han desarrollado estrategias como la implementación de un nuevo tipo de cemento de bajo contenido de carbono (LC3), con el cual se logra sustituir hasta un 50 % del clínquer Pórtland. Para evaluar la variación de la permeabilidad al aire de hormigones fabricados con un cemento de bajo carbono (LC3), se midió la permeabilidad al aire, por el método de Torrent, de muestras de dichos hormigones sometidas a diferentes niveles de agresividad. Los hormigones fueron elaborados con el aglomerante ternario SIG-B45 (LC3) de Siguaney y el Cemento Pórtland Ordinario P-35, de Cienfuegos. Se utilizó el método experimental para la evaluación del comportamiento de la permeabilidad al aire, lo cual permitirá llevar a cabo el diseño de hormigones más durables. Al realizar los ensayos pertinentes, se comprueba que el LC3, muestra un comportamiento más impermeable que las muestras patrones fabricadas con Pórtland.
Concrete is an artificial material, one of its main features is the presence in it of two dissimilar states with different properties in each initially a plastic fluid state that allows it to adapt easily to different forms of the molds which is poured and then hardened, solid state in which their initial properties are modified. Concrete permeability is mainly associated with the permeability of the mortar and the hardened cement paste, whose properties affect its durability, since the pores (connected) permeable are able to allow the passage of substance there through by various phenomena. Among the factors affecting the permeability of concrete is the content and type of cement used. World production of cement is responsible, globally, high levels of pollution and has a high production cost due to their high energy consumption. In order to mitigate these actors have developed strategies and the implementation of a new type of cement low carbon content (LC3), with which it is able to replace up to 50% of Portland clinker. With the objective of evaluating the variation in air permeability of concrete made with cement low carbon (LC3) which were subjected to different regimes of aggressiveness, air permeability is measured by the method of Torrent, samples concrete subjected to different levels of aggressiveness. The concretes were made with the ternary binder SIG-B45 (LC3) of Siguaney and Ordinary Portland Cement P-35, Cienfuegos. The experimental method for evaluating the performance of air permeability was used, which will carry out the design of more durable concrete. It is found that the LC3, shows a more impermeable behavior patterns that samples produced with Portland.
Concrete is an artificial material, one of its main features is the presence in it of two dissimilar states with different properties in each initially a plastic fluid state that allows it to adapt easily to different forms of the molds which is poured and then hardened, solid state in which their initial properties are modified. Concrete permeability is mainly associated with the permeability of the mortar and the hardened cement paste, whose properties affect its durability, since the pores (connected) permeable are able to allow the passage of substance there through by various phenomena. Among the factors affecting the permeability of concrete is the content and type of cement used. World production of cement is responsible, globally, high levels of pollution and has a high production cost due to their high energy consumption. In order to mitigate these actors have developed strategies and the implementation of a new type of cement low carbon content (LC3), with which it is able to replace up to 50% of Portland clinker. With the objective of evaluating the variation in air permeability of concrete made with cement low carbon (LC3) which were subjected to different regimes of aggressiveness, air permeability is measured by the method of Torrent, samples concrete subjected to different levels of aggressiveness. The concretes were made with the ternary binder SIG-B45 (LC3) of Siguaney and Ordinary Portland Cement P-35, Cienfuegos. The experimental method for evaluating the performance of air permeability was used, which will carry out the design of more durable concrete. It is found that the LC3, shows a more impermeable behavior patterns that samples produced with Portland.
Palabras clave
Permeabilidad del Hormigón, Cementos de Bajo Carbono LC3, Clínquer Pórtland, Permeabilidad al Aire del Hormigón, Métodos de Torrent y Experimental, Permeability, Methods